Chapter 2

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I shakily stand up and look at them.

"This is unbelievable."

"Yeah, it's unbelievable how this kid thinks he can stop me," Ban says to King. King starts yelling at Ban causing him to just ignore him. As I look at the fight, Meliodas walks towards me and squeezes my boob.


"What the hell do you think you doing!?"
I yelled, covering my boobs. Hawk head butts Meliodas to the wall.

"Just checking your heartbeat, that's all." He managed to say with his face in the wall. I feel flustered to the point of covering my chest. Hawk comes towards me and looks up at me. 

"So what's your name?"

"My names Y/n N/n L/n." (if you don't have a nickname just don't include it)

"Y/n? What a pretty name!" The compliment made me smile. "Thank you."

Meliodas pulls his head out of the wall and dusts himself off. King flies over to me and lays on his pillow. I look at the pillow and then at him, the pillow looking very comfy. This is real... 

"Y/n L/n...hmm? I never heard of someone by that name."

"Y-yeah. " I responded nervously, scratching behind my neck. Yep, this is real.

Ban pushes King away from me and gets closer to me, now face to face.
"Let's get to the point, who are you and where did that black smoke come from?!" Ban asked me, grinning so I can easily see his sharp teeth.
Should I be scared of that? This man doesn't know I know too much about him. 

"As I said, I'm Y/n and I don't know where that smoke came from, I was just watching a ship moment between Meliodas and Elizabeth, when I suddenly see a strange figure behind you two causing me to yell at my screen- then all of a sudden smoke came out of my phone, the smoke consuming my room and pitch-black hands grabbed my feet leading me-"
I stopped when a sudden pain shot through my thighs to my feet. I look down and see deep scratch wounds down to my feet, the blood gushing out of them. I fall to the floor screaming in pain, but it only made it worse when my legs hit the hard ground.

"Y/n!" King and Hawk screamed and ran towards me, but stopped me from falling further once Meliodas catches me. I look up from the ground; my tears not allowing me to see properly, they were coming out as Meliodas stares at me.

"How do you know my name? And how do you know about us?" He asked seriously. I begin to cry more as the pain became worse.
"I-I don't know! I g-guess you can say I live in another world where I know things, I just-" I stopped talking when the wounds began turning into black blood. I couldn't say anymore because I was screaming from pain inside. The more I talk, the worse it felt.

"Just kill me already!" I screamed; hoping the pain leaves me. Meliodas bends down, picking me up bridal style, and gently places me on the bed. I try to breathe but it only reduced to hyperventilating from the pain. 

"King knock her out!"

"W-what!?" I shot a look toward King.

"Just do it!"

Everything went black.

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