Chapter 6

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I slightly nod and look at Gowther...his eyes are a mix of brown and yellow; guess you can say Hazel but it's still bright even during the sunset. I blush at the thought. My eyes are e/c but his is much more unique than mine will ever be. 

"You think so?" Gowther asks.

"I think what?"

"I have unique eyes." He answers, straightening his glasses.
I lift an eyebrow and immediately cover my face as the heat starts to fill it. I start to nervously laugh and stand up from the ground."I-I uh..... have to g-go to Ummm-" I stutter, putting my hands up. How could I be so stupid!?

I turn to head back into the tavern, completely and utterly embarrassed but suddenly felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me back. I let out a gasp realizing I landed on Gowther's lap. I feel my entire body heat up. I've never been held- or in someone's lap before. WE'RE SO CLOSE. I sit there, my eyes attempting to find an explanation written in the sky or something for this. Gowther pulls me closer to his body, "Don't go. I enjoy your company."

I look at him as he looks at the sunset.
Why is he doing this to me!? SKIN-TO-SKIN CONTACT!!! GODS HELP MEEE!! WAIT DON'T THINK!!!


"Yes, Y/n?" I take a deep breath in the fresh air around me, placing my hand's ontop of Gowther's arms around my waist. I look toward him. 

"I do think your eyes are unique," I said. "I also like how your pale skin and dark pink hair accentuate your eyes as well." We lock eyes, not noticing how close I was to his face.

Once I realized Gowther's surprised look on his face and what I was doing I immediately look away. "Sorry..."
I place my hands on the ground as I feel Gowther's grip loosen. I blush, feeling a lump in my throat. Could this get any more embarrassing?!

"Y/n, I don't mind at all."
I snap my head back at him, only to see him looking back at the sunset.
All of my inexperience is biting me in the ass. I sounded so weird! Suddenly, I feel Gowther placing his hand on my head, toward his chest, and laying his chin on top of my head. 

"I like weird."
UGH- I can't take this- I think my heart is going to burst and blood from my face is going to go everywhere. I'm slowly forgetting how to breathe while I notice how warm he is and how intimate this is. Am I reading too much into this? He's going to kill me-
I lay my head on his chest and focus on listening to his heartbeat. it's so fast. I feel myself smile a bit, thinking this is getting to be too much for me for one day. 

"Gowther can I go inside and lay down p-please?"

Without even an answer, he stands up and positions me. I get lifted into his arms bridal style as I blush fifty shades of red while walking me back inside.

"I can walk you know?" I said nervously chuckling as he takes me upstairs.

"But that would mean I would not be able to carry you."

I can't take this blushing! What's going on!?

He lays me down on Meliodas/Elizabeth's bed. I thank him and wrap the warm blanket around me, laying on the pillow. 

"Rest well Y/n." Gothwer says, leaving the room. I stare at the ceiling, ready to accept that this might have been the most amazing dream I've ever had besides the pain. I turn to a comfortable position, smiling cheekily while bringing the blanket toward my face. 

"Goodnight Gowther..."

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