"The Factory"

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"Where is some more firewood?" Scootaloo questioned walking around some bushes and trees. She turned to talk to her friends,"Hey girls found any firewood ye-" she stopped in her tracks, realizing she had wandered from the group. She looked for familiar surroundings, she looked at trees standing tall, touching the night sky. She could smell the campfires smokey scent coming from all directions, The wind blew the smell left and right.

Scootaloo took off running the way the smell was coming from, pushing through anything that got in her way. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle!!!!" she yelled with all her might, and just like that the smell of the campfire was gone. She started to panic, pacing back and forth, but then silence fell in the forest, not a sound was made, no animals, tree sounds, anything.

Scootaloo sat down and started to sob, "I just wanted to go back and hang out with my friends." The wetness of her tears stung as it slowly when down her face and hit the ground. Her vision started to blur from her tears and she didn't notice that fog was rolling in. She looked up, eyes red from her crying.

Scootaloo heard something that sent the biggest chill up her spine, a whispering voice in the distance. She listened to hear what it was saying. "Scootaloo" said the strange deep voice. Scootaloo got up off the dusty dirt ground, "Who's there," said Scootaloo, looking into the darkness. "Who's there, answer me," called out Scootaloo, looking all around to see where the voice was coming from. "Scootaloo," the deep voice said only this time it was closer.

"R...Rainbow Dash," Said Scootaloo nervously backing up. She didn't look where she was going and backed into something, something that felt like leather. She slowly turned around to see a tall black pony with a metal looking leg looming over her. Scootaloo wanted to scream but she just stood there in terror. The black pony looked at Scootaloo with a smug smile, "Poor little Scootaloo," Said the black pony. Scootaloo could see the pony was wearing a blue leather cloak over his body with to big scaly wings out on the side.

Scootaloo could barely see the dark pony in the blackness of the night. The dark pony stepped into the light of the moon and eyed Scootaloo up and down. "How do you know my name?" said Scootaloo filled with terror. The pony looked at Scootaloo trembling and in the kindest voice he said, "Oh-no need to be nervous I am a friend of Rainbow Dash," said the pony with a grin showing his sharp dragon like teeth.

The pony started to walk off in one direction leading down path with trees looming over head like a tunnel of leaves. " Just follow me and I will take you back to your camp ground," the pony said menacingly. "How can I be sure you're taking me back?" asked Scootaloo feeling curious.

Then she heard a familiar voice calling from the way the cloaked pony was walking, "Scootaloo,"came the voice. It was Rainbow Dash. The pony turned his head and smirked at Scootaloo. "Wait for me," called out Scootaloo to the cloaked pony. They began walking in the direction of Rainbow dash's voice. A light that seemed to be fire shined at the end of the tunnel of trees. For a while there was silence, but then the black pony started to ask very strange questions, "You ever wonder how rainbows are even made Scootaloo?" asked the cloaked pony.

Scootaloo looked at the pony with confusion in her face,"No," she answered. The pony continued, "And why is that?" Asked the cloaked pony in his deep dragon like voice. "Because..." Scootaloo thought for a second, "...I already know how they are made." The pony smiled at her with his toothy grin, "and how is that," asked he asked. "Well," said Scootaloo looking up at the trees remembering how she was taught in class, "they make them at the Rainbow factory." The pony's grin grew slightly more terrifying "But how," he repeated. Scootaloo looked at him strangely and continued, "I don't really know much other than they are made at the Rainbow factory." The pony's grin seemed to look sinister. "Oh Scootaloo if only you knew," said the pony in a creepy deep voice.

"Knew what?" Asked Scootaloo, with a tremble in her tone, "How rainbows are made?" "Yeah," said The pony raising his right wing, "But soon you will." Scootaloo looked forward and saw the same tree that was back about a mile ago. She started to worry, "Wait, whats going on here that's the same tree from a mile back." she said, legs shaking. She suddenly felt a pain on one of her cutie marks. "Ow," she said, "why did you-" she look up and saw the pony was gone.

Scootaloo's eyes started to glow images, sounds, smells, and words words flashed through her senses as the black pony's voice could be heard singing a song in the background:

The pony was a deep, blood red, glistening in the artificial light of The Factory. Her mane had small spots of glorious colors of the rainbow, but was mostly the same red color as her coat of fur. Chunks of skin were missing from small spots, and her hair was ripped in some places, bald patches of skin in others. The only clue Scootaloo had as to who this used to be were the rose iris' focused on her.™

"Rainbow Dash why would you do this!" Scootaloo screamed in horror, Scootaloo tried to run but the horrifying pictures and sounds blinded her she didn't know where she was. "Help somepony!" screamed Scootaloo taking off running. She couldn't see where she was or where she had been, all she could hear were screams of innocent ponies, there bodies being crushed up, the sound of bones crunching and crumbling to dust, blood oozing out of there bodies.

The sound of splattering flesh being smashed into tiny bits, and all awhile Rainbow Dash watching with a grin on her face mixed with the blood from ponies in her fur. The music getting more sinister as it goes on, Scootaloo couldn't do anything but watch. Her physical body kept moving, running, running then "crack," Scootaloo's soulless body ran into a tree causing her to then faint. All she could hear in the darkness was the black pony's voice sing and laughing to a dark song of something called the pegasus device.

In the Rainbow Factory, Where fears and horrors come true. In the Rainbow Factory, where not a single soul get through. In the Rainbow Factory Where failures take their toll. Now you're awoken and it's time to lose control.

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