"Fire can hurt"

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The noise in the forest was getting closer and closer. Pinkie Pie readied herself to run if it was Knightsphere. The noise came to the campsite, Pinkie was ready, but not ready for a rabbit. She looked at it confused. "Oh thank Celestia it's just a rabbit," she said with relief. "Pinkie Pie?" came a voice from behind her. Pinkie Pie jumped screaming out, "Knightsphere don't hurt me!!"

She turned around to see a unicorn as red as a pepper, with a charcoal black mane, red fiery eyes, and a flame for a cutie mark. "Oh hey Blaze," Pinkie Pie said trying to sound like her normal self, "w...w...what are you doing out here," she struggled to say.

Pinkie Pie looked at Blaze and could see something was off about him. "Hey Blaze could you step into the light please?" she asked. Blazed walked forward where Pinkie then noticed the bruises on Blaze's body. "what...what...what happened to you Blaze?" she asked.

The feeling of fear and sadness started to overtake Pinkie's body as Blaze looked around the campsite. Blaze then turned to look into Pinkie's eyes and sank to the ground, he spoke with a devilish, countryside voice, trying to catch his breath. "I...just...was...collecting some rocks for my rock sculptures when this mysterious fog rolled in..." he started.

"Yeah," Pinkie pie said while her head darted left and right, looking for danger. "let's head into my tent and let's get you some food you look hungry."

She brought Blaze into her tent, and set him on her bed. She gave him some sweets to calm him down while he continued with his story, "...and when I went to find the path this weird pony in a blue leathery cloak that looked very elegant, like something you would find at Rarity's shop, came out of the fog," Blaze continued, "he offered some help to lead me through the fog, he claimed to have excellent vision in the dark."

"One moment he was asking me really weird questions like "Why do you do rock art" and "Do you ever fear you will get hurt" and that's when I noticed a needle in his scaly wings." "I lept away from him and left my rock collection back over on the path."

"I ran but he flew in front of me and I used my magic to burn him, but all of a sudden I woke up on the ground with scratch marks and bruises, at the bottom of a cliff." my first thought was what just happened and my next thing was to get out of there and come back later for my rock collection, but I was lost and that's when I saw you running around the a tree calling for Spike?"

"Where is Spike I might ask?"

"Um... he's around somewhere," Pinkie said nervously.

"Well that's good," Blaze said, "for a second there I thought you lost him in the woods or something."

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie chuckling nervously.

"Hey Pinkie Pie," Blaze started, "how is Fluttershy?"

"Oh she's fine why?" Pinkie Pie asked, she looked at him with curious eyes. Blaze smiled at Pinkie, "It just occurred to me that Fluttershy has never talked to me about "butterflies™," he said his smile turning to a creepy grin. Just then, the two ponies heard rustling outside the tent.

"You stay here Blaze I will go check what's going on."

"Pinkie I wouldn't if I were you."

"It will be a quick second."

Pinkie Pie got up from the bed she was sitting on to see what was causing the noise. She reached for the tent opening and looked out cautiously. At first she saw nothing, but then she saw a red pony with a charcoal black mane, red eyes, and a flame for a cutie mark. "Blaze?" Pinkie said confused, "what are you doing out there?"

"I told you to stay inside."

"Get out of here Pinkie, while you still can!!!!" yelled Blaze at Pinkie, then he took off running.

Pinkie Pie stood there for a minute trying to figure out what just happened, then she figured it out a little too late. She felt warm breath above her head, she slowly turned around to see A pony full of scars from scratches, lime green mane, scaly dragon wings, green dragon like eyes, sharp dragon like teeth, a metal leg, and a cutie mark with a burning sword with green flames bellowing from the sharp blade.

"kn...kn...kn...kn...Knightsphere?" Pinkie said quivering with fear.

The pony spoke in a deep dragon voice."yes Pinkie Pie that is my name."

"Please...d...d...d...don't h...hur...hurt me," Pinkie said backing away slowly. "Oh no my dear," said Knightsphere, "I would never hurt such an innocent little pony," he chuckled which lead to a cough.

"Knightsphere, are you alright?" asked Pinkie nervously. Knightsphere looked at Pinkie pie with his sinister grin. "Yes my darling I feel great," he insured Pinkie. He took out a vile of liquid and drank it. "What did you just drink?" asked Pinkie cowering in fear.

"Nothing important right now, I am just here to make sure your ok."

"Yeah I...I...I am f...f...f...fine why?"

"it's just...I wanted to make sure your ok because of Fluttershys little secret." He grinned a creepy smile.

"What do you mean flu...Fluttershy's secrets?" she asked quivering.

"Oh Pinkie Pie, if only you knew," Knightsphere said in a creepy voice, "but soon you will."

"No I won't," Pinkie said dashing off in a puff of dust and smoke.

"Pinkie I would stop running if I were you," Knightsphere said smiling a toothy smile.

Pinkie pie looked back at Knightsphere, "Yeah right like I would listen to... Pinkie Pie was cut short when she felt something sharp go into her chest.

She gasped for air and turned to see Knightsphere standing in front of her. She looked down to see his metal leg, no longer a leg but a needle sticking out of her body. Pinkie Pie watched in horror as the liquid from the giant needle ever so slowly injected into her body. She could feel it running through her blood, the taste of apples attacked her mouth. "Hope you enjoyed your sanity, cause you won't have it for much longer," Knightsphere said laughing creepily.

"You should be happy your getting a huge amount since you're so crazy, you used up most of my supplies."

Pinkie Pie's eyes started to glow white.

She heard Fluttershy's voice and streaks of terror enveloped in Pinkie's mind. Images flashed through her mind graphic images along with Knightspheres laughter in the background:

"Fluttershy smiled, her deep eyes holding Pinkie paralyzed in place. "I'm going to plant the eggs in your intestines. It's warm and cozy there, with plenty of digested material for them to grow big and strong. Think of it as having hundreds, thousands maybe, of little children ... isn't it wonderful? And Rainbow will be there with you. Oh, isn't it perfect? I'm so happy for both of you!" The yellow pegasus was practically glowing with twisted glee as she clapped her hooves.™"

"Fluttershy how could you, I trusted you," Pinkie Pie said. She saw through the horrifying images that Knightsphere was gone. Pinkie Pie took of running into the darkness as the images, voices, and noises flashed through her mind. She dodged things the best she could but she kept feeling things she ran into, pain shooting all over her body. "Girls help!" she screamed out through all the terrifying sounds she heard in her head and ears. All Pinkie thought in the back of her mind was "why Fluttershy why?"

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