"The forgotten kingdom"

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 The stares of the ponies, all looking at Fluttershy caused her to back away nervously. The wind had stopped, the temperature had dropped somewhat and the ponies breath could be seen. Spike looked at Fluttershy with shock in his eyes. "You know that pony?" he asked. "Yeah," Fluttershy said confused, "why do you know where he is, he has been missing for many moons now."

Rainbow Dash got up from the stump. "Did he ever wear a cloak when he was with you or did he ever own one?" she asked, walking over to Fluttershy. The light of the fire was burning out, "somepony get some wood we need to keep the fire going," Instructed Rainbow Dash. Spike ran off into the woods looking for more firewood. Rainbow Dash grabbed the last few logs from the pile and put them on the fire.

"Now answer the question Fluttershy, does he own a cloak?"

"Yeah, last I saw him, but his cloak was ragged and old"

Rarity gasped, causing the ponies to look at her again. "You know something don't you," said Rainbow Dash looking sternly at Rarity. Rarity backed up, terror gripped her tightly, her stomach felt like it was in knots. "Yeah, I do admit it," Rarity said. tears began rolling down her face mixed with her eye liner. "What do you admit?" asked Fluttershy, still comforting Applebloom. Rarity looked at her sister, whose eyes were starting to tear up.

"I know something about the pony," said Rarity, covering her face. The ponies looked at Rarity with confused expressions. "how do you know this pony?" asked Rainbow Dash. The ponies listened in to hear Rarity's response. "The truth is I... served the pony in my shop," She confessed. The ponies just stood there, silence all around, until Rainbow broke the silence. "So what else, do you know what he looks like?"

"Sadly no, I never got to see his face."

"Maybe some other pony knows what he looks like ?"

Fluttershy stepped up to Rainbow, "um... I know what he looks like," she said. "Well then why didn't you say anything!" screamed Rainbow Dash.

"It didn't seem relevant at the time."

"Well share then."

Fluttershy began," he is a pony with a black coat, lime green dragon eyes, lime green mane and tail, big dark purple dragon wings, sharp dragon teeth, a robotic metal leg, and a cutie mark of a sword on fire." The ponies looked in aww at how Fluttershy described him with such detail. "He is half dragon pony, which is why he has dragon eyes, dragon wings, and dragon teeth." "And for some reason he is covered in scars."

"How did he lose his leg?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Why did he come here to ponyville?" asked Rarity.

"Well..." started Fluttershy, "...a few months ago there was this pony named Knightsphere, he was the number one guard for the princess of creation.

The princess of creation was the most beautiful princess, other ponies say. She was a blue Alicorn that could create almost anything from her magic. Her cutie mark was unique. It gave power to her, the cutie mark was a eight sided star with eight different colors on each end. She wore glasses which ponies say only enhanced her beauty. Knightsphere being the best guard, he spent so much time guarding her that the rumor was she had fallen in love with him.

Eventually after many moons, the rumor was true because she came out one day and made it clear to her subjects. "Fillies and gentle colts the rumors that you have been hearing they are true," said the princess of creation in a grand, sweet and courage voice, standing tall over the crowd on her balcony, with her blue mane with a white stripe down it, flowing in the wind. Her voice sounded like a country side pony mixed with a pony from a hospital who had trouble speaking.

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