"His Sharp Grin"

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The darkness closed around Rainbow Dash, not a sound was heard. "Hello called out Rainbow into the darkness, but no response was given back. Rainbow Dash sat down and began to cry, "what did I do to deserve this?" she said through sobs. She fell the power of loneliness creeping up on her from all directions, she felt depression take ahold of her.

"Rainbow Dash," came a familiar country voice in the darkness.

Rainbow Dash looked up, "huh, Applejack is that you?" she called out.

"Rainbow Dash snap out of it," came the same voice, followed by a shove from the darkness. Rainbow Dash noticed a light in the distance, she started to run for it.

"Rainbow Dash," came a deep voice from the darkness, It was that cloaked pony's voice. "you don't want to leave, it will only bring ruin to your friendship," said the voice in the darkness, The ponies will look down upon you." Rainbow Dash ignored the voice and ran faster and faster towards the light, which got closer and closer.

"Suit yourself Rainbow," said the voice. Rainbow Dash then felt a flood of water lift her up and carry her towards the light. She reached the light and walked through it, but everything went quiet and dark again. She then felt water choke her nostrils and she began to cough. she opened her eyes to see Applejack and Rarity standing there looking at her with concerned looks. Rainbow then noticed Applejack was holding an empty bucket.

"Hey Applejack what's the bucket for?" Asked Rainbow. Applejack put down the bucket and looked back at Rainbow, "I splashed water on you," said Applejack, "you ran here and just stood there like you were trapped in like some sort of trance or something."

Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack with a face of confusion. "Anyway," piped in Rarity who was sitting on her cushioned chair drinking what appeared to be some sort of fancy drink, "Where is Scootaloo, I thought you were going to go find her?" Applejack looked at Rarity, nodded in agreement and looked back at Rainbow, "yeah, Rainbow Dash where is Scootaloo, we have been worried sick."

Rainbow Dash paused and thought for a minute thinking if she saw Scootaloo. She remembered Scootaloo's shattered body and bloody mess all around her dead corpse , the sound she made when she hit the ground. Her eyes started to tear up, but forced the tears back so she wouldn't draw attention and she managed to say, "I can't say I saw her, I couldn't even find her." said Rainbow Dash with a sigh.

"Really," came a voice from inside a very colorful tent, "I could've sworn I saw you when I was walking back up here," said Pinkie Pie walking out of the tent. Rarity looked at Pinkie Pie, "Dang Pinkie you scared me half to death," she said. Pinkie Pie went back into her tent to get something.

"Oh, I had forgotten something at sugar cube corner, so I went back to get it since we're only 2 miles away," said Pinkie from inside the tent. Pinkie came out of the tent with cupcakes and started handing them out to the ponies. She quickly went to Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow Dash, how have you been did you miss me?" asked Pinkie Pie in a sweet voice, getting in Rainbows face. Rainbow's heart raced with fear as she looked into Pinkie's eyes.

The images and sounds of what she saw flashed through her mind. She felt the pain of the flaming nails in her body, the hammer hitting her body, the cutting of her flesh. Rainbow screamed in fear and jumped back from Pinkie Pie, backing against a tree.

"No Pinkie I am speaking as an unarmed friend just don't hurt me," Rainbow said. she ran behind the tree, shaking behind it. "Dashie what's up with you?" asked Pinkie Pie playfully, "is it a game?" Pinkie started walking towards the tree Rainbow was hiding behind. Rainbow heard Pinkie walking over, "Pinkie Pie please stay back, I don't want to hurt you," said Rainbow Dash shaking with fear. Pinkie stopped in her tracks, her heart sank and her feelings began to drip into sadness, "Come on Dash, why would you say something like that?" Pinkie said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash peeked out from behind the tree. Pinkie's mane lost its puffiness and went all flat and fell down looking a little like her sister mods hair. Rainbow Dashes mind raced, the images of Pinkie torturing her flashed in her mind. Pinkie looked just like she did in those horrible images. Pinkie walked over to a log, sat down and began to sob. "Rainbow Dash," said Applejack with a voice of anger and disappointment, "how could you say that to you friend."

Rarity looked at Rainbow dash, who had a look of terror on her face. "Are you alright dear," said Rarity, looking concerned. Rainbow Dash screamed, grabbing a log still burning from the fire, with a pointed edge, and she charged at Pinkie, still sobbing uncontrollably. "I will not let you hurt me," screamed Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash no!!!!!!" Screamed Applejack and Rarity. Just before Pinkie was impaled by a burning log, Applejack leaped in front of the log and was impaled instead. Pain shot through Applejacks midsection, blood poured out onto the burning log slowly putting out the log with a sizzling noise. Rainbow dash let go of the log dropping Applejack with it. She stared at Rainbow Dash and started to cry through the pain and burning of the log that impaled her. She looked down and noticed the log had something on it, it was a needle that said "Knightsphere." She looked up and noticed nothing but darkness.

"what's going on," she managed to say through the groans and grunts from the pain. She looked in front of her to see the cloaked pony only this time with his hood down so you could see his face. His face was black, with a scary glowing lime green mane, green dragon like eyes, and his face was covered in scars.

He grinned at her with his sharp toothed smile and said "Want something sweet to bite?"

Applejack screamed "does any pony see that cloaked pony right in front of me!!!?"

"No one can hear you," Said the pony in his deep raspy dragon voice, "your in my domain." Applejack looked beside him and saw another cloaked pony with a skeleton face and a big scythe, and Applejack immediately knew who it was.

"Death," she said through her pain.

"Thats right Applejack," Death said, "I am just here to pick up my prize."

Applejack looked at the cloaked pony. "What do you want from me?" she said crying from the pain. "oh Applejack," said the cloaked pony, "how I wish I didn't have to do it this way, you have a serious fan out there."

"Do what this way?"

"Oh, you know show you something."

"Show me what?"

Applejack's eyes started to glow and her body felt like it was getting ripped to shreds images, sounds, voices ran threw her mind:

"She felt her teeth break and her jaw pop loose from the rest of her skull as, with another forceful shove, the post shattered the door behind her and the creature began to force its own body through. She felt parts of her she had never felt before burst within her body as the thick shaft of wood churned her internal organs to mush. The monster, whatever it was, tore through the barn door like it was tissue paper, a look of triumph on what she could see of its twisted face. She didn't even feel the shards of wood embedded in her back anymore, only the wood that had impaled her. It was almost a relief when her burning lungs collapsed and the rhythm of her heart slowed, stuttering it's final beats.™"

Applejack screamed out in pain, "no make it stop, it's too much." The cloaked pony laughed, "That's it little girl let it out, but before you die I am just going to tell you something," he said.

He leaned in closely to Applejack's ear. "You're going to remember this even after you die," he whispered in her ear "my name is Knightsphere and I will cure you of your sanity." Applejack could do anything but listen. "And you sister is The Last Apple™ I am going to see tonight and trust me I wish you could have been there, it was going to be a screaming hit."

Applejack's vision started to blur as Death began walking towards her. She saw through her blurry vision that the cloaked pony faded into the darkness. The last thing Applejack heard was his low chuckle of laughter, and a little song he sang that mocked Applejack, Raise this barn, Raise this barn, one, two, three, four. Death picked up Applejack and darkness enveloped the Applejack's eyes. Applejack's soulless body was left there burning in the flame of the wood she was impaled with.

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