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Rainbow Dash groaned, opening her eyes, "Where am I?" She questioned, looking around the room. She saw a table with needles, hack saw, and many other hospital equipment. "What's going on here?" she said starting to get scared. She looked across from her to see Fluttershy chained to a wall. "Fluttershy, Fluttershy wake up!!" yelled Rainbow to Fluttershy, trying to get up and get her, but she was stuck.

Rainbow Dash looked over to see that she was chained down to a hospital bed, "hey what the," Rainbow said, struggling to get free. "It's no use," came Fluttershy's voice, "I have tried too, it's just too tightly secured." Fluttershy looked down at the ground in disappointment, "this is all my fault, I was the one who wanted to come find Knightsphere," Fluttershy said, starting to cry, "and now you hate me for it."

Rainbow Dash's eyes started to tear up "no Fluttershy I could never be angry with you," Rainbow Dash replied, "you're the sweetest pony out there, you didn't mean to include us in this, we're to blame for this not you." Fluttershy looked up from the ground at Rainbow Dash and smiled her friendliest smile ever, "thanks Rainbow Dash," said Fluttershy. "You're wel..." Rainbow Dash was interrupted by manacle laughter coming from right behind her, "well looks like you two are in a strange predicament," came Knightsphere, "I am glad you two are such good friends, that will make this much more interesting."

Rainbow Dash looked at Knightsphere with a looked of pure rage, and Fluttershy looked at him with pure disappointment.

"why would you do this Knightsphere?" said Fluttershy beginning to cry again, "you used to be so kind."

Knightsphere look Fluttershy directly in the face, eyes burning with delight. "I know I once was a charming colt, but things have changed now that I am so close to having my loved one back," he said with a creepy grin, his eyes glowing green with pride.

Fluttershy looked at him in utter terror, "but what of your loved one, would she approve of what you have done?" questioned Fluttershy. Knightsphere's pride turned into anger after what Fluttershy just said, "Enough talking let's get on with the show shall we," Knightsphere said, grinning again.

"Here's a fun thing to do it's called roleplay," he said smugly smiling at them, "here's how it starts, you're in the future of Equestria where there was a virus that has wiped out almost all of the population, there has been no known cure for the virus that has shown up, and the only known way to slow the virus down is to kill the host."

Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, who was still sobbing uncontrollably then looked back at Knightsphere who was still grinning creepily at her, "We will never roleplay that even if you torture us relentlessly," Rainbow Dash said filled with anger. Knightsphere turned to look deep into Rainbow's eyes, "oh I can find this to be very persuasive,' he said. He pulled out a needle from under his scaly wing, then proceeded to insert the needle's point into Rainbow's chest.

Rainbow Dash struggled to try and avoid the needle but the restraints kept her in place. Her eyes started to glow all white and she started to see images of the place Knightsphere described, she could hear the coughs, the moans, and the cries of the other ponies then she saw a room and she started to hear voices of her friends:

"...The unicorn looked away, "I know you well enough to realize that you'd never just stand aside and let one of us lay a hoof on your filly friend. Maybe intellectually you'd know that it's necessary, but your emotions get the better of you. Ask yourself, if it has to be any of us, would you really want anypony but yourself to... to...™"

"What am I seeing I...I...I can't take it, "Rainbow said thrashing around violently. The visions suddenly stopped, but she was free and she was still in the abandoned hospital. Unfortunately it was all torn down and decaying away, then she saw Fluttershy. "Fluttershy what happened?" asked Rainbow Dash looking around seeing the destroyed world. Fluttershy was about to speak, but then she started to cough.

"Rainbow Dash," came a familiar voice. Rainbow turned her head to see Twilight Sparkle standing there pointing at Fluttershy, "you need to kill her, remember the virus starts with a cough, if you don't kill her the rest of us will die," said Twilight. Rainbow looked behind Twilight to see her friends, Pinkie pie, Applejack, Rarity, even the cutie mark crusaders were lying dead behind her all looked sick.

"You have to or we will be next," said Twilight putting her hoof down on the ground. Rainbow Dash looked back at Fluttershy, and began to walk towards her. "No Rainbow," screamed Fluttershy, "It's all in your head it's not real." Rainbow charged at Fluttershy, but Fluttershy started running away, "come back Fluttershy I have to keep the rest of Equestria safe!!" Rainbow Dash shouted at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy ran down a long hallway, around corners, dodging wheelchairs, hospital beds, cabinets, benches, metal drawers, throwing it all in the way of Rainbow Dash. She tried anything she could to put as much obstacles in the way of Rainbow Dash as she could without hurting her friend.

She hid in a closet thinking she was ok, she rested her head against the wall, but then she heard a sound that scared her half to death, the sound of the walls breaking, like something was slamming through them.

Just then, the closet door that Fluttershy was hiding in burst. Low and behold, Rainbow Dash was standing right there looking Fluttershy right in the face.

With no time to react Rainbow Dash turned around and bucked Fluttershy in the face crushing her skull with a crunch, splattering her brains all over the wall, and all over Rainbow's coat . Rainbow Dash's reality then went back to normal and she saw Fluttershy's body lying dead in the closet. Before she could say sorry or do anything, she was hit on the back of the head and she blacked out.

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