"The secret"

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Darkness, darkness was the first thing she saw. She awoke lying on her side, a pain in one of her back legs. With all her might, her horn started to glow and she turned her head to see her right leg wedged under some metal drawers and cabinets. "Oh dear," said Rarity in pain. With her magic she lifted the debris off her leg, she eased it out slowly.

Pain shot through her nerves, causing her to groan in pain. She looked around for Sweetie Belle's body only to see a splat of blood under all the debris that fell on her. "Rest in peace Sweetie Belle," Rarity whimpered to herself.

She got up and the sharp pain rushed through her leg to her brain. "Ow," she struggled to say through all the pain. She started limping forward when she heard a bang on a metal door. She limped her way down the hall. There was hardly any light source but her horn lit up most things.

She could feel the rough texture of the rotting floor, the smell of moss filled her nose, the hall was littered with cabinets, benches, bandages, broken beams, and wheelchairs. She turned down a hallway where there was many metal doors but only one had a light source coming from it. Rarity limped her way down the hall peering into the different rooms only to see nothing in them.

"What have I stumbled upon?" she thought to herself. She made it to the door with the light source inside, she peeked inside. For a second she couldn't see anything but a light dangling from the ceiling, then she notice something out of a horror movie sitting in a corner of the room.

A creature made out of candy, with mouths all over its body, a mane made of licorice, ears of ice cream cones, face of ice cream and large candy corn teeth.

"What in sweet Celestia is that?" Whispered Rarity.

The creature looked up and turned its head to see Rarity. It smiled a eerily creepy smile at Rarity and spoke in a creepy kid like voice, "Nightmare Night, what a fright give me something sweet to bite," followed by sinister laughter.

It got up and started to walk towards the door. Rarity closed her eyes waiting for the end, but it never came. She opened her eyes to see the creature cowering in fear and backing into the corner again. It was hissing and moaning, Rarity could swear she saw a tear falling down the creature's face. Rarity was confused she couldn't understand, what was a ferocious creature like this cowering in a corner at a pony like her?

"Aww," came a familiar voice from behind her, "I see you found my pet as I like to call it."

She turned around to see Knightsphere standing beside her.

"Oh hi, Knightsphere what's up with... I mean you... what's this creature doing locked in this cell.

Knightsphere looked at Rarity and smiled with pride. "Well I am glad you asked Rarity," said Knightsphere, "you heard of nightmare night right?"

"yeah, why do you ask?"

"Well," began Knightsphere "Do you know why we leave candy at the statue of nightmare moon?"

"No it was just a tradition started many years ago."

"Well," Kightsphere started again, "this creature was the cause to start that tradition, this creature is known as the Candymare, it is a vicious creature that preys on candy and the life of innocent ponies." "It would come out on nightmare night to collect the candy that was left at the statue of nightmare moon to satisfy its hunger."

Rarity looked at Knightsphere, "so then what is it doing here?" she asked.

"Well, it's here because I captured it," said Knightsphere, "I had a fatal run in with it but once I gave it a cure it learned to fear me."

"But how did it learn to fear you?" asked Rarity.

"Easy I showed it the thing it doesn't want to see the most." Knightsphere said.

"And what would that be pray tell?" asked Rarity.

Knightsphere looked at Rarity with a smug face "Why it's very simple it's the same thing you do with every pony that you want to fear you."

"But what do you do to the other ponies and this creature?"

"You show them their demise each time it misbehaves." Knightsphere said with a creepy grin.

Rarity looked at Knightsphere with a terrified look on her face, her mouth open. She could hardly feel the pain in her leg any more.

"Well this has been fun but I will find my friends and go," Rarity said

"But what about your sister don't you want to bring her back so you can have fun again?"

"Sorry Knights, but I think Sweetie Belle should be left to rest in peace."

With those words Rarity took off running as fast as she could, ignoring the pain that shot up her leg.

"There is no escape," yelled Knighsphere taking off after her.

Rarity ran down the hall dodging the benches, wheelchairs, hospital beds, everything to escape Knightspheres wrath.

"Come back here Rarity you know I will catch you."

Rarity ran into a room and hid behind a hospital bed as she heard Knights fly by the door. She sighed and took off running out of the room in the opposite direction of Knightsphere, back to where the Candymare was. As she past it she could hear it again.

"Run, run little filly, you can't escape."

She then heard Knights coming back down the hall towards her. She panicked and ran into a nearby room and crouched behind the hospital bed.

She peeked out from behind the bed to see Knightsphere run by looking for her. Rarity let out a sigh of relief. She got up off the floor and noticed a weird shape on the hospital bed. Her horn had gone out during the chase when she was terrified. Her horn lit up again to see what was on the bed, to her shock she saw the one thing she'd never thought she'd see. She saw a pony stitched up, with a blue mane, with a white stripe going down it's mane, and a cutie mark looked like a star with colors all the main colors around it on each end of the star points.

The pony was blue, had a long horn, and two big blue wings. "Starspark," Whispered Rarity to herself, or so she thought. She turned around to see a proud pony, with scars all over his body and a cutie mark of a sword on fire. "Looks like you found my secret," said Knightsphere looking Rarity in the eyes with a creepy grin, revealing his sharp dragon teeth.

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