"Timbery death"

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The night sky seemed to darken as they went deeper and deeper into the forest. The moon was covered by clouds, leaves and trees, which didn't help whatsoever. "Are we almost there," Whined Rarity, "my hooficure is all ruined now." The three ponies had been following Fluttershy around trees, under upturned tree, over streams. "Fluttershy," whined Rarity looking up at the sky. Rainbow, who was in front of Rarity looked back at her. Anger filled her voice, "Rarity stop complaining, I am sure we are almost there."

"Whatever Rainbow Dash I paid a lot for this hooficure something you could use."

"I don't need one, and all you do is obsess over you hooves." Anger stirred in Rainbows voice.

"Everypony just shut up!!!!!" yelled Fluttershy frustrated, huffing air out her nostrils. Every pony looked at her confused and scared, "or if you can't..." Fluttershy said backing off. "Um...Fluttershy," asked Rainbow dash, "are we there yet." Fluttershy looked Rainbow Dash in the eyes and said as confident as she could, "we are almost there."

"Girls!" said Rarity looking around for the two crusaders left.

"Um... girls I seemed to have lost the crusaders," she said all nervously. Rainbow Dash turned around to see Rarity was right. "You what!!!" yelled Rainbow Dash at Rarity. "Well maybe you should of been watching them like you said you would back a couple of miles ago," screamed Rarity back at Rainbow Dash. "well you know what..." Rainbow Dash was cut short by a loud scream. The ponies looked around terrified. "What, did you scream?" Asked Rarity to Rainbow Dash. "No I didn't scream was it Fluttershy?" asked Rainbow Dash, they both looked at Fluttershy who was helping some bugs cross a tiny stream.

"Well if it wasn't her then who did it?" questioned Rarity. Just then a light pink unicorn, with pink eyes, pink and purple mane, and a music note for a cutie mark fell out through the bushes. "Why it's little old Sophie Violin, why sweetie what are you doing out here?" asked Rarity. Sophie eyes started to glow white and she started to scream in a bloody murder voice "No please stop."

"Come on," screamed Rainbow Dash, "we have to help her." Rainbow Dash ran over to Sophie picking up her hoofs, trying to comfort her, "tell us, what are you seeing?" asked Rainbow Dash. Sophie responded in a cute,manehattan, child like voice, "I see me, talking to you just a little while later but I am all scratched up and stuff and..." she faded off. "What and what," asked Rarity all scared. Sophie's eyes stopped glowing and she could see the group of ponies staring at her. "What," she said in a huff, "what are you all looking at?" They all looked at her confused. "Don't you remember what just happen darling?" asked Rarity. "No," said Sophie. "Are you sure you don't remember anything?" Rainbow Dash said looking Sophie straight in the eyes looking for any aftereffects. "No I really don't remember anything that just..."Sophie started to say but was cut off by a timber wolf that came out of nowhere and started to scratch her up.

In an instant Rainbow Dash reacted, "hey get off of her Timber wolf!!!!!!" she yelled, charging at the wolf. The wolf looked at her and stood at the ready, guarding its dinner. Rainbow Dash came up and bucked the timber wolf in the face, causing it to splatter into a bunch of small pieces of wood. "Run!!!" Screamed Rainbow Dash, picking up Sophie and running off with the other ponies. Blood from Sophie seeped onto Rainbows coat of fur as she and the ponies ran from the timber wolf.

They ran up a hill to try and escape the timber wolf, but more jumped out from the left and the right. The ponies had to dodge and weave through the ever spawning timber wolves. Rainbow Dash almost dropped Sophie when ducking under one of the timber wolves. "Hang on back there Sophie," said Rainbow Dash. Sophie dug her face into Rainbows chest, terrified for her life. A trail of blood was being left behind as they ran.

Rainbow Dash kicked some broken trees which fell on a few timber wolves, blocking the way for the other timber wolves from getting through. "There," Rainbow Dash said catching her breath, she set Sophie down to rest. Sophie was covered with scratches from the timber wolf attack. Her chest and around her stomach was bleeding heavily. "We need to stop the bleeding," said Rarity grabbing some leaves to patch up the wounds. Being very delicate Rarity bandaged up Sophie who was exhausted from losing so much blood. "Don't worry we will get help," said Rainbow comforting Sophie who was barely conscious. The group of ponies had a look of terror on their faces, not knowing how to find help deep in the forest. "Um...darling," asked Rarity to Sophie, "are you ok, you're covered in blood." Just before Sophie could answer, a metal Hoof came and grabbed her tail and started to drag her into the forest.

"Oh no you don't," cried out Rainbow Dash, leaping towards Sophie and grabbing on to her. "Come on guys help me out," Rainbow said to the other ponies. They all came to help, Rarity grabbed onto Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy Grabbed onto Rarity. "Ready, pull," screamed Rainbow Dash, pulling with all her might, as did the others.

Sophie screamed in pain, "aaaahhh I think my back is going to..." just then Sophie heard a snap and a crack, then the scratches on her back and midsection, started to rip open and blood started shooting out in all directions. "Keep pulling!!" Rainbow Dash yelled, unaware of what was going on. Sophie's guts and gore started to pour out of her body, her liver, her stomach, her lungs. "One last tug!!!" was the last thing that Sophie heard Rainbow Dash say as the last drop of life left her body, ripping her intestines and heart to pieces, her backbone finally snapped sending the three ponies flying back.

"Whew," Rainbow Dash said exhausted, "don't worry Sophie you're safe..." Rainbow was cut short by Rarity's screams. Rainbow Dash then noticed the half of Sophie's lifeless body in her grasp. "No not another," said Rainbow Dash, "Scootaloo was right I am a murderer."

Rarity looked at Rainbow confused. "What do you mean Scootaloo was right, you said you never saw her." Rainbow Dash sat down Sophie's body and walked over to Rarity and Fluttershy and spilled the beans about what happened. "Really she fell off the cliff scared of you cause she thought you killed a bunch of other ponies," said Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash nodded and looked at the ground and started to cry. " Oh sweetie, you are not a murderer Rainbow," Rarity insured her, "it's that mean old pony that's causing all this." A scream in the distance made them all jump, "Help Rarity." Rarity looked up in shock, she knew that scream, "that's Sweetie Belle, she's in trouble," said Rarity taking off running in the direction of the scream. "Rarity come back," Screamed Rainbow Dash, but she was already gone.

Just then Pinkie pie came running out of a bush and smashing into Rainbow Dash. Rainbow dash freaked out and took a few steps back from Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie I thought you were guarding Spike?" said Rainbow. "I was, but then Blaze came out of nowhere and we had a nice chat and were catching up and stuff, but then I heard noise outside my tent and... Pinkie kept going until her eyes landed on Fluttershy holding a butterfly trying to help it fly.

Pinkie's heart started to pop out of her chest, "Rainbow Dash let's just walk slowly away from Fluttershy," Pinkie said nervously. Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie confused "why she's our friend she would never hurt us," Rainbow said. Pinkie looked back at Fluttershy with the butterfly and leaned in to whispered something in Rainbow's ear. "She what??!!!!" yelled Rainbow. "No no no no don't scream out loud," yelled Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy looked at the two ponies, "what's wrong you two?" Fluttershy asked kindly. "No stay back said Pinkie Pie. "please don't come near me," she started backing away. "Um... Pinkie," said Fluttershy concerned. "No I don't want to hear it," Pinkie said freaking out. "No Pinkie your..."Fluttershy started, pointing behind Pinkie. "No I don't want to... before Pinkie could finish a timber wolf jumped out and bit into Pinkie's skull and with a loud crunch Pinkie's skull was crushed Pinkie felt her brain turn to mush.

In an instant, her body went all limp, and the timber wolf dragged Pinkie's body into the forest where the last thing the two ponies heard was the tearing of meat and flesh mixed with the sound of howls from the timberwolves. "Pinkie Pie," Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy said in despair. "What did you two talk about?" Fluttershy said looking at Rainbow. Rainbow's eyes darted back and forth, "um... I don't really remember," she said.

"Oh hey, we're here," Fluttershy looked down at the mouth drawn map.

They turned to see a huge structure made of stone, vines and moss hanging off the walls, the windows on the building were cracked, some were broken, there were some lights inside the place. Outside the front was littered with hospital items, wheelchairs, hospital beds, empty bottles of medicine lay all over the place, metal drawers lay bedded into the ground. A broken sign lay on the outside of a stone wall.

Fluttershy read the sign the best she could, "Something forest Sanitarium, where the sick come to heal." Rainbow looked at the wall which had writing on it which appeared to be written in red paint, Release The Sanity. "Well that's creepy," said Rainbow Dash, looking at Fluttershy. They heard scream from inside the structure. The ponies looked at each other for a quick second and ran in to help...

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