"Burned alive"

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The ponies started to panic and run around, gathering there items. The more they panicked the harder it became to gather up their objects. Rarity tried to pick up her fancy seat, but every time she picked it up it kept shaking due to her trembling. Sweetie Belle was trying to take down the tent. No matter what she did she couldn't take out the spike holding the tent down.

Applebloom was sitting by her sister's burnt body that was now cooked to a crisp. she began to sob. Rainbow Dash just ran back and forth not knowing what to grab first. She ran toward Scootaloo's scooter then back to her tent Pinkie pie lied down on the ground, shaking with terror. The fire was starting to go out due to the lack of firewood.

Rarity began to freak out, "Oh dear, oh dear," Rarity said Applebloom began to sob uncontrollably while saying, "What if he comes for me next." Applebloom looked at Fluttershy, "I don't want to die." Fluttershy looked at all of the ponies running around trying to leave. "Everypony just calm down!" she screamed, sounding confident.

All the ponies looked at Fluttershy, stopping what they were doing. "now listen, you girls can come with me to his house to kindly ask him if he has done anything wrong."

The ponies looked at each other nervously. "I guess that makes sense," Rainbow Dash agreed. Fluttershy looked around the dying campfire to see in the dim lighting every pony agreeing with Rainbow. Rarity walked over to Rainbow and nodded.

"Yeah that works," she said. Sweetie Belle looked at her sister, "if my sister is going then so am I," she said confidently. Applebloom looked at Fluttershy and nodded, "yeah, if it's to avenge my sister then it's worth it," she said kicking at the air.

Spike walked back claws filled with firewood ready for burning. All the ponies looked at him with happiness in their eyes. "Spike," they all said. He put down the pile of firewood and looked at them all. "What?" he asked.

Rainbow stepped up to him, putting her hoof around his shoulder. "hey, Spike we were wondering if you would want to come with us to look for the pony who made me do this to Applejack?" she said, pointing at Applejacks dead burnt body. "Yeah, no I am just going to stay back," Spike said crawling back into Pinkie Pie's tent.

The ponies looked around at each other in the darkness as the fire bellowed its last flame. "What do we do?" asked Rarity concerned. They all looked around the dead fire looking for someone to come up with a solution. Pinkie Pie stepped forward, "Don't worry I will stay back with him," said Pinkie Pie happily with a somewhat convincing grin hiding the fear she felt inside. Rainbow Dash slowly began to back up towards a branch with a sharp edge. Rarity looked over and saw Rainbow slowly going for it. "Ok then darling," said Rarity. She used her magic to take the stick and throw it somewhere deep in the forest.

"And we will take Rainbow Dash with us so we don't have another episode like earlier. Rainbow looked at Rarity with sadness realizing what she was going to do. "yeah," Rainbow said, "I think that's a great idea."

Fluttershy took out a drawn map and started walking away into the forest. "Alright girls let's go," she said. They all walked off with Fluttershy looking every direction for danger. Pinkie Pie put some more firewood on the fire, blowing on it to bring a flame to life. The flames began to restart. She could hear Spike snoring inside the tent as she started to dig a grave for Applejack's burnt body.

"Diggy diggy diggy," sang Pinkie, unaware of the fog that rolled in behind her. Pinkie Pie lifted Applejack's body up, The smell of cooked flesh filled her nostrils cause a weird hunger to grow in her stomach. The blood leaked from her dead body onto Pinkie's coat, staining her with marks of sweet smelling, country pony flesh. She put Applejack into the grave she just dug, resisting this weird urge not to eat her. She filled up the grave completely and said a few words. "I am sorry this happened to you Applejack." "Since we are cousins I will watch over your family for you."

Pinkie walked to the front of her tent where she left a bunch of cupcakes. "Aww here they are." She began chowing down on the cupcakes, the sweetness of the sugar attacked her taste buds. The feel of frosting on her face. She began licking her face off when she heard something that made her shake with fear, silence.

No sound at all, no animals, no wind, none of Spikes snoring, just the crackling of the fire echoed through the nighttime air.

"Spike?" Pinkie Pie said terrified. She walked over to her tent, and slowly reached for the opening. She opened the tent flap, and slowly stepped into the tent trying to act all brave, but her legs turning to jello when she walked inside of the tent to see no one in the tent with her, not even Spikes scales were left in there.

"Um... Spike I admit you got me good, but please come out now," Pinkie Pie chuckled nervously, "you're really starting to scare me."

She heard a bone chilling scream come from outside the tent in the forest, "Pinkie Pie!!!!" She instantly knew who it was, "Spike I'm coming!!!" screamed Pinkie Pie, taking off running out of the tent in the direction of Spike's voice. She ran over rocks, around trees through small streams of water, under low hanging objects, everything to find Spike.

She came to a stop under a tree to catch her breath. Her legs felt like falling off, her body was existed and she collapsed to the ground. "Where are you Spike!!!!" screamed Pinkie Pie with all the might she had. At this moment everything was silent and Pinkie realized that she had lost the sound of Spikes voice. "Spike!!!" she screamed, "yell if you can hear my voice."

no reply.

She then heard the crackling of the fire coming through the forest. She saw the orange glow in the distance. "Spike is that you?" She asked.

No reply.

She got off the ground and with the rest of the strength she had she walked towards the orange glow of the fire.

To her surprise it was the campsite. She looked around confused "Why am I here?" she questioned. She remember she only ran in a straight line taking no detours, but somehow she seemed to have gone around the world in the blink of an eye, and ended up right back where she started. Then she noticed that Applejack's grave was dug up. "I don't remember that being dug up?" she said, "What's going on here?"

Pinkie walked over to the grave. She noticed the fire was burning extra big and seemed to overflow with flames. She also smelt a weird aroma in the air like she had burned something at the bakery. She peered into Applejack's grave to see a chard dragon lying next to Applejack, whose body seemed to be comforting the dragons burnt body. "Oh no, Spike who did this to you?" Pinkie pie looked at Spike's burnt body, "what am I going to tell Twilight. Pinkie could hear maniacal laughter coming from right behind her.

She turned fast to see nothing but the fire burning at its normal capacity. She could feel something on her hooves she looked down to she black charcoal on her front hooves. She looked back at the grave which was filled again. She started to dig it up again, and to her utter shock saw Applejack and Spike only this time Spike had some cupcake on him.

Pinkie looked at her hooves again and noticed cupcake on her hooves. "I did this?" she said with shock in her tone. She heard something running her direction from behind her. She quickly started to cover up the bodies again. She did the best she could to hide the bodies and ran to sit down on a log around the fire and tried to put on her best friendly face but all that showed was her fear of what was coming her way.

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