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The night starry sky loomed over the land filled with pony folk, all safely asleep in there beds dreaming of happiness. High in the a tower, glistening in the light of the moon, over the city of night ponies partying away. Inside, a pony as white as can be, big luscious wings, long horn, pink, green, and blue mane and tail with a mark of a sun on her flank.The pony was asleep in her room, covered in royal scrolls, safe in her purple sheets, lying on her bed that comforted her body like a cloud would a pegasus.

High in another tower was a pony with dark blue wings, somewhat large horn, dark blue eyes that shined in the night, a main and tail as black as the night sky itself, with a mark of a moon on her flank. The pony was looking through a telescope, out at the nighttime world. She stood proud of her work, tall over the city below. The telescope rested on a balcony overlooking the city and all of Equestria.

The pony peered through the glass of the telescoped eyeing every little thing, hoping for a stress free night. Down the stairs from the two towers, and through a few halls of the great and luxurious castle was a room filled with huge glass panes that told stories of the past. Some of heartache, some of sorrow, some of tragedy, but most of good spirited things.

In the same room further down was a great door, colored with all sorts of designs, ranging from ponies frolicking, to the defeat of Nightmare Moon. The door had a hole where something would go inside to open the lock that sealed the secrets within. Two guards stood watch looking down the long hall of great and herring stories only to see darkness with the little light they had of the candles hanging on the wall.

The two pony guards eyes started to drift away to the land of thought and wonder when, a door opening at the other end of the long hall in the darkness. The two guards looked into the darkness trying to see who it was that was entering. There eyes strained to see in the dark, squinting the best they could, but to no avail. For a moment all they heard was hoof clops walking towards them, till one of the guards broke the silence. "Halt who goes there!" said the guard shouting into the darkness.

The guard wore a golden armor, golden helmet, with a spear at his ready. His eyes were blue, his body a cream white, with wings at his side, and a mark of shield on his flank. The other guard backing up cowering a little, wore the same armor as the other guard but was a unicorn with a sword at the ready, and a mark of two swords making an X on his flank.

"I will ask again, Who goes there!?" said the guard again.

No pony answered in the darkness, the only thing they could hear was the sound of clopping hooves, and now some sort of song in the darkness, sung in a deep voice.

"Lullaby moon princess, goodnight sister mine, And rest now in moonlight's embrace, Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth, Through cloud, and through sky, and through space, Carry the peace and the coolness of night, And carry my sorrow in kind."

The guards looked at each other confused and terrified, drawing their weapons they readied themselves. Their weapons steady, ready to inflict great harm to the intruder off in the dark. "Come into the light where we can see you!" screamed the guard with the sword mark.

The sound of hoof clopping inched closer and closer to the guards. The intruders left hoof stepped into the sight of the guards, but something was off. The intruders hoof wasn't furry, it was metal, but made a hoof sound.

"Step all the way in the light," said the guard with the shield mark

The pony intruder stepped into the light, revealing itself. It was wrapped in a ragged old cloak with holes in it, but not revealing any sort of clue of who the pony was. Its head was tilted down with a hood over it.

"State your business!" demanded the guard with the shield.

The cloaked pony said nothing. It tilted its head up to look at the guards. The face of the pony was hidden in the darkness as a great gust of wind open a window and blew out every single candle in the room.

"What the heck," said the guard with the sword mark

They looked around in the darkness, searching for a sign on where the pony was. Both guards eyes caught sight of glowing green eyes with fire in them, and a white sharp toothed smile in the darkness looking at both of them.

"Sweet Celestia!" screamed one of the guards in the dark

They both felt a pain in their rear when the lights came back on. They both saw a object in their rear, but couldn't identify it before they passed out on the floor.

The pony walked past the unconscious guards up to the door. He took out a long makeshift horn and shoved the horn in the hole to unlock the door. He listened until he heard the click of the lock of the door. The door slowly opened to reveal a box, the pony open the box, to see six gems lying in the box. As swiftly as sliding on ice, the pony grabbed the gems and disappeared into the night.

Silence fell over the land of Equestria, the animals went quiet and the thing you could hear was the wind. The pony on the balcony looked around in the telescope looking for a sign of any animals, but none could be seen or heard.

"Oh no," said the pony in a deep filly voice

She took off running inside to get her sister, as she heard in the back of her mind deep voiced laughter. She walked up the stairs to her sister's room. Opening the door swiftly she said to her sister, "Sister walk up there gone!"

The sister leaned up with shock. She spoke with a voice like silk "What do you mean they're gone?"

"The elements there gone!"

The sister in bed got up and walked over to her sister "We need to alert Twilight and her friends right away."

The two sister's raced to find some paper and a quill while they heard some sort of laughter in their minds, and a song running through there mind, sung by a deep voiced pony.

"May all your dreams be sweet tonight

Safe upon your bed of moonlight

And know not of sadness, pain, or care

And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep....."

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