1 - Arrival

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Hi frens

Hiccup's day had not started well, nor had it ended well completely either. He woke up early, hoping to get a shower in before his first class only to find the hot water was broken. He almost slipped twice trying to put on his prosthetic while brushing his teeth- bad decision on his part really. Shivering he skipped out on breakfast and opted for coffee since the cold shower didn't wake him up as much as he thought it would. He made another mug of the hot liquid for during school. By the time he had an hour left for class, he decided to finally head over. With his bag packed and his jacket shrugged on, he swept a hand through his auburn hair and stepped out of his apartment.

Someone passed by and he recognized them immediately. It was Jack, his neighbor and a student at the same college he went to. His head of white hair was easy to spot among the morning sky and Hiccup froze, eyes following his movements. He had taking a liking to Jack the first day he moved in. Of course they never talked besides a few words and Jack was always out with friends or going out with guys Hiccup would see him bring home. They were nothing alike, but that didn't stop Hiccup from dreaming.

He shifted from foot to foot as Jack went to his own door, shaking out his keys from his pocket. There was news that Jack had recently become single and Hiccup was pushing himself to ask. Of course it seemed every time he worked up the courage, there was someone else there and he slinked off to try again another day. Now Jack was alone and it was just the two of them outside. It was perfect.

With a tentative step forward, Hiccup gripped his bag strap tightly. As he cleared his throat Jack gave him a glance and a nod. "Excuse me, Jack?" He said softly so his voice wouldn't shake. Alright Hiccup, you have one shot at this. Just make it smooth and make it quick.

Jack gave a grunt, finally having his key in hand and held it near the lock. "You're Gary right?"

Hiccup frowned slightly. "Uh, no. That's your other neighbor." He tried to smile. Okay, rough start, but that doesn't mean it's over already. "I'm Hiccup, right next door. I lent you some milk the one time." Jack had never thanked him for that... or even returned his cup. I should probably ask about that as well. The older male gave him a look, blue eyes roaming up and down his lanky body. "I just-well, this is probably not the best time, but I was just wondering if you'd like to go out some time? Maybe get coffee or just go see a movie." He twisted his hands on the strap, trying to keep his heart in check. "I had overheard you wanted to see that new comedy and I-" He stopped immediately when Jack straightened himself. Oh boy, here we go.

"Look kid," he said tiredly. Hiccup narrowed his eyes at him, unamused at being called kid. Sure he was small for his age but that didn't mean he should be treated like a child. That wasn't the reaction I was looking for. "I've seen you around a lot and you're probably a great guy, but you're just not my type." Now he gave a snort, how many times had he used that line before. What was the point of trying to ask him again? "Seriously though, why don't you head onto school and hang out with your little book friends or whatever you do. I'm sure all your nerd friends would drool over the chance to have someone as, er, smart as you." Alright, now he was being downright rude.

"Right, of course," Hiccup said tightly. "Just like everyone said. You're a complete asshole." Jack raised an eyebrow and he simply raised his nose in the air in return. So I ignored the rumors and try to play you out as the misunderstood rebel, turns out you're just an ass with a large ego. "I don't even know why I bothered," he muttered. He knew exactly why. He thought college would be his chance to study and find the guy of dreams before taking on a career of painting. So much for that. He scoffed at himself. "Sorry for taking up your time." He turned away, ignoring the smirk on Jack's face.

He leaned against the door, jingling his keys. "You're trying to pin the blame on me for your sad life because I didn't agree to go out with you? You acted like you were in love with me but the moment I say 'no' I'm suddenly the bad guy." Hiccup barely looked at him from over his shoulder. "Shows how lucky I am to skip out on that relationship, who knew how bad it would have been if I actually said yes."

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