2 - Thursday

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Screaming. There was a lot of screaming. Hiccup sat up quickly, looking around wildly for his phone to shut off his alarm. When he grabbed the device and unlocked it, he found there was no alarm, but yet there was still a shrill screeching. He looked over his shoulder at the squirming baby next to him, throwing his limbs around erratically as he cried. Shit. Hiccup swore and grabbed Toothless, rocking and bouncing him to try and calm him down. "H-Hey there," he said. How could I forget there was baby sleeping next to me? "Go back to sleep now Toothless, just go back to sleep."

Toothless wailed on, tears streaming down his round cheeks and lips shining with drool. With the beginnings of a headache starting, Hiccup checked his phone one more time and found it was only four in the morning. There wasn't even any light leaking through his window. "Come on Toothless, don't cry," he pleaded. The baby seemed to whimper and quiet for a moment. Right as he sighed in relief, the screaming was right back up again and seemed even louder.

With a grimace Hiccup held him up to his nose and sniffed. It didn't seem like anything smelled bad. He stood up and hefted Toothless with him, carrying him out and into the kitchen. After putting three layers of towels on the table he laid Toothless down and grabbed the changing supplies Mary Katherine had given to him. Just as he thought the boy had only wet himself. He was quickly changed but continued to cry, eyes clenched shut and mouth open wide. "I don't know what you want from me!" Maybe he's hungry? Babies are always hungry, right?

Settling Toothless down into his carrier, Hiccup bustled around the kitchen trying to get his formula heated up. He dumped the mix into a pot and set it on a flame. "Alright, almost done little guy." He wiggled Toothless' feet a little but the baby didn't seem as happy as he did. The crying was beginning to become background noise.

At the small oven Hiccup was trying to pour the hot formula into the bottle and ended up spilling some on his hand. He cursed and swore, holding his hand against his chest as he jumped around the kitchen. I don't remember seeing people struggling like this on TV. There was a knock on the door and he rolled his eyes. Great, just what I need. Is someone else dropping off their children too? Another loud knock and this time it sounded angry. "Coming! Coming!" He made sure Toothless was strapped in before going to the door. I don't need him falling off the table.

He opened the door a crack, peeking outside. His thin lips dipped down into an even deeper frown when he found Jack standing there, one hand on his hip and the other behind his head. Both of them shared an annoyed expression and Hiccup finally opened the door fully, green eyes narrowed at him. "What do you want?" I thought we already agreed to ignore each other's presence.

"Is this some form of revenge or what?" Jack asked, his voice was rough from just waking up. It took Hiccup a second or two but he finally noticed he was wasn't wearing a shirt either. He stared with his jaw clenched. Why must you tease me life? Why? "Hello?" Jack waved a hand in front of his face. "Do you really hate me this much?"

"What are you talking about?" Hiccup could barely hear him over Toothless' crying. What a great way to start a day.

Jack ticked his head as if to motion behind the smaller male. "What's with all the noise?"

Hiccup bit his lip and peeked back into his apartment. "Uh, I'm kind of in the middle of something."

"Why does it sound like it's a baby?" He was getting more annoyed, it was easy to see by the twitch in his lip.

"Well, I'm sort of-that is to say..."

Jack rubbed his eyes. "You've got to be kidding me." Without even bothering to ask he shoved past Hiccup and marched into the kitchen. Hiccup ran after him, terrified when he found him practically glaring at Toothless. "Do you seriously not know how to take care of a child?" He asked. His eyes didn't even look at Hiccup when he spoke.

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