5 - Sunday

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*insert relatable sarcastic pun*

Hiccup felt warm and content, trying move closer to Toothless who was still asleep amazingly. He smiled and felt something tighten around his waist. With blurred vision he managed to make out Jack's shape in the dark, his long arm reaching over Toothless to grasp Hiccup's thin waist. He made a small noise, laying back down. Should I wake him? No... Toothless is still sleeping and I shouldn't risk waking him up as well. Biting his lip he moved closer so the three of them were completely mashed together. It's not like it would be so bad to enjoy it, right? We're just friends sharing each other's company. Jack won't need to find out. Toothless grunted in his sleep and Hiccup smiled, placing a hand gently on his stomach before closing his eyes once more.

The next time he awoke Jack was sitting up, rubbing his face with his palms. "I haven't slept that well in years," he grumbled. Hiccup smiled, looking up at him silently. The older male stretched his arms up and peered down at the two still lying next to him. He caught Hiccup's gaze and seemed to become shy. "Oh, you're awake, I didn't notice." It looked like he was waiting to be yelled at, already cringing out of fear. "Sorry about sleeping in your bed again, I just-the couch is uncomfortable-it's warmer here too..." He trailed off slowly, averting his eyes.

"Mmm it's fine." Hiccup rolled over to the hide the look on his face that was probably one of happiness. This will probably be the only time we'll be in the same bed together. I should take what I can get. "At least this morning you didn't have any surprises for us." Jack gave an awkward laugh. "So what's for breakfast?" He rolled back over and propped his head up. Toothless stirred and he rubbed his stomach lightly, trying to keep him asleep for as long as he could.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm going to make breakfast for you again?"

Hiccup laughed, his shoulders raising. "Just a hunch." He reached over and poked Jack in the arm. "Come on, wives make the breakfast on Sunday." Let me just have this for a little longer.

"Then you should do it. And I thought it was the husbands who did it for the wives?" Jack playfully smacked his hand away. "So does that mean you're the wife?"

He stuck his nose in the air and scoffed. "As if I would participate in your gender roles. Jack you are a gender stereotyping pig."

"You started it," Jack sang under his breath.

Kicking his foot out, Hiccup nudged him. "Food," he whined, "food for the poor malnourished boy." Jack grabbed his ankle and pushed back and for a while they struggled. His hand is so warm. The younger of two managed to land his foot on Jack's cheek, pushing him off the bed. "Food," he said sternly. I need to relish in this before Toothless wakes up and terrorizes us.

Jack managed to stand and rubbed at his cheek where a red spot was forming. "Alright, alright. You are a very bossy person in the morning." Hiccup smiled triumphantly. "Just for that I'm going to spit in your food." He gave a quick look to Toothless and tilted his head. "I guess I should make some food for him when he does wake up." With a sigh he headed for the door. "You owe me."

"You were sleeping in my bed, I owe you nothing." Hiccup threw a pillow at him but he was out the door. He yawned and buried himself deeper under the covers, listening to Toothless' even breathing. He must have fallen asleep after a while because before he knew it the baby began to wake up, whining and gurgling that turned into a cry. Hiccup pushed himself up and took him into his arms. "Hey, shh it's alright." As he was about to reach for his prosthetic the door opened and Jack came in with a warmed up bottle. "Oh, I was just going to go change Toothless."

"Here, I'll take him, you just stay in bed." Jack picked up the child with a grunt. "Man he's getting heavier or maybe I'm just getting weaker." Toothless was actually behaving for the most part aside from the crying and trying to push Jack away. He smiled and gently pressed the tip of the bottle to his lips and watched him start suckling. "I'll go change him in the kitchen, you stay." Hiccup tried to argue but he just laughed loudly and blocked him out.

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