4 - Saturday

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Toothless started the morning whining, waving his arms around enough to smack Hiccup in the face. He groaned and kicked his foot out, feeling Jack near him. It was too early for questions so he simply started kicking like Toothless, trying to wake the older male up. "Jack," he said half-awake, "Jack get up and take care of Toothless." He didn't get a response and kept nudging him with his foot. Eventually he must have traveled too far because he could feel something he wasn't supposed to feel. And it was very excited to meet him.

Jack moaned into his pillow, moving his hips so he ground into Hiccup's foot. The freckled male woke immediately, scrambling to get out of bed as Jack did the same, both red. Hiccup was kneeling as the other was standing, eyes meeting. "What the hell?!" Jack said, running both hands through his hair. "Why did you do that?!"

"Why were you hard in the first place?!" Hiccup threw his arms out before pointing to Toothless. "You were sleeping with a baby right next to you and you get an erection! What kind of perverted freak are you-"

"Well you didn't have to molest me with your foot!" He was becoming a bright shade of scarlet.

Hiccup pursed his lips, wishing he was able to stand. At least then I wouldn't be at eye level with his morning erection. He looked at Toothless who became even more upset by the screaming. Right, baby comes first. Drama later. As he was about to reach for him he paused and turned his gaze back to Jack who was trying to hide himself behind his hands. "Why were you in my bed in the first place?" It came out slightly panicked, throat closing. I don't remember him coming in... I just fell asleep after cards and...

Jack shifted from foot to foot, averting his eyes. "I need to go to the bathroom!" He shouted running out of the room and slamming the door shut behind him.

Toothless was still crying and Hiccup sat there dumbfounded. Jack was in my bed. Jack was in my bed and he was... he was very... He covered his cheeks with his hands to feel how hot they had gotten. Taking a deep breath he hoped the blush would fade. It's okay. It was just an accident. It's not like you should make a big deal about it. Biting his lip he tried to shake off the feeling of Jack's hard on against his foot. Needless to say, Hiccup was impressed from what he felt. Damn it! Focus on Toothless stupid! He grabbed the baby and rocked him, petting down his hair in an attempt to at least calm him a little. "Hey Toothless, sorry for waking you up like that," he whispered. "That probably wasn't the best way to handle the situation, huh?"

The high pitched screams seemed to fade slightly and Toothless opened his watery green eyes to look at Hiccup. The brunette smiled and caressed his cheek with his index finger. "See, everything is alright now. Your mommy is coming home and you'll get to see her again." I actually think I'm going to miss him when he leaves. He laughed as Toothless stopped crying and grabbed his finger only to begin sucking on it. "Do you need to be changed? Just hold on a second okay, I need to get my leg on." As he pulled his finger away Toothless squinted his eyes and his mouth opened to release a whine. Looks like today is our last day together, let's not spend it crying please. Hiccup hurried to put on his prosthetic before he could really start crying again and took him into his arms once more. Toothless seemed angry as he grabbed his finger, sticking it into his mouth with a grunt. "Sorry."

He carried the baby out into the kitchen, nearly sprinting past the bathroom as inappropriate thoughts raced through his mind. Jack couldn't possibly be doing something like that in my bathroom, could he? Toothless tried his best to bite his finger, only he needed teeth to accomplish that. What would he be thinking of if he was... Hiccup swallowed and decided to focus on the child instead of Jack doing unspeakable things. He put Toothless down on some laid out towels and changed him-taking care to cover him so they wouldn't have a repeat of yesterday-and got him into his carrier easily. Toothless was still fussy and he frowned. "Let me guess, you're hungry?" The choked cry gave him his answer and he slumped his shoulders. Why do I even bother asking?

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