6 - OwO What's This

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Much to his surprise, Hiccup was up before Toothless. And not so much to his surprise, Jack was gone. He sat up, looking around his room to see if he could find the older male, but he was nowhere in sight. It was insanely early and he wondered if Jack had gone to the bathroom. Pulling on his prosthetic, he stood and peeked his head out into the hallway, calling for Jack softly in fear he would wake Toothless. "Jack? Jack, are you in the kitchen?" He padded through the apartment slowly, checking every room. Still nothing. Great, you just had to scare him away. He frowned to himself. I did nothing wrong. Jack would have left eventually anyways. It's not my fault... I think.

Going back to his room he sat down and pulled out his phone. I didn't even ask for his number. He sighed and glanced to Toothless who twitched in his sleep. "I guess you guys are both leaving me today." He knew it was way too early in the morning, but he texted Astrid anyways. 'I'm assuming you're asleep?'

In five minutes his phone lit up. 'You assumed wrong, I am now awake. What's up?'

'He left.'

'Okay, I literally just woke up. Please be more elaborate.'

He sighed through his nose. 'Jack, he left.'

It took a minute or two before she replied. 'What do you mean? When did he do that?'

'I have no idea. Last night? I was asleep and next thing I knew he was gone.'

'You knew he would have to leave eventually.'

He rolled his eyes at how obvious that had been and was glad they were texting. She would have smacked his arm. 'I know, but still. I didn't expect it to be this sudden... or secretive.'

'I guess you just have to go with it.'

Toothless grunted, legs kicking out. 'Yeah, I guess you're right.'

'Always am.'

'Go back to sleep, you're delirious.'

'Night loser.'

'Night jerk.' He tossed his phone away and leaned back against the wall, staring at the shadows in his room. The sun was just barely peaking in, but it was still pretty dark. He checked the time once more and groaned. It was too early to do much and Toothless was still asleep so he couldn't just leave the baby alone. If Jack was here we could at least talk. He was shocked by how attached he had become in such a short amount of time. He closed his eyes, clenching his hands. Falling for him even harder was not the plan, he scolded himself, stop it. He relaxed his fingers and laid down, burying his face into his pillow.

I can't stop.

He was reawakened by Toothless' cries. Hiccup blinked and hadn't realized he had fallen asleep again. He grabbed Toothless and made his way to the kitchen, still a little disappointed when he didn't find Jack waiting for him. He settled the baby down, changed him and got his food ready. Once Toothless was settled down and happily sucking down a bottle of formula, Hiccup dropped into a chair, eyes trailing over the scarred surface of the table. "I don't suppose you know when Jack left?" I don't suppose you know anything about what happened last night?

Toothless didn't even bother to stop eating. He tried to hold onto the bottle with both his hands and feet, not achieving much since his onesie kept him restricted. Hiccup smiled and propped his chin on his hands, watching as the dark haired baby struggled to hold the bottle as he was nearly finished with his formula. When he was only sucking on air, Hiccup picked him up, patting his back gently as he carried him back into the bedroom.

Sitting down he noticed his phone was lit and Mary Katherine's number flashed across the screen. He quickly picked it up, sliding it between his ear and shoulder so he could continue to burp Toothless. "Mary Katherine?"

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