3 - Friday

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Rolling over, Hiccup managed to open his eyes. Amazingly Toothless was still sleeping which Hiccup didn't find strange since he had woken up at two in the morning crying to be changed. They had crept into the kitchen once Hiccup slipped his prosthetic back on. Jack slept peacefully on the couch, draped across it like a table cloth. Once the baby was changed and back to bed, Hiccup went back into the living room with a spare blanket, throwing it over the white haired male before going back to sleep himself.

Now he sat up slightly and checked his phone, unplugging it from the charger. It was close to seven in the morning and he was surprised they got to sleep in that long. He shifted back down under the covers and gently brushed Toothless' dark hair from his face as he slept. Since he's still sleeping I guess there's no hurry to get up. He smiled and buried his face into his pillow breathing in softly. Babysitting does have its perks I guess. Closing his eyes he drifted back into sleep and when he opened his eyes again, a half an hour passed.

Toothless was awake, wiggling around and grunting. He was on the verge of crying when Hiccup struggled to put on his prosthetic and pick him up, cradling him gently. "Good morning," he whispered. It didn't seem like a good morning for the baby whose lips were curling back, showing pink gums. "Oh come on, there's no reason to cry." We were having such a nice morning, please don't cry. Toothless started hiccupping before small cries gurgled out.

"That's it." Hiccup stood and went out into the hallway. The smell of food cooking hit him first and his stomach growled angrily. He then realized he never cooked and there was no way there could be food cooking in his apartment without someone actually doing it. Hurrying into the kitchen he nearly screamed when he found Jack at the stove, a sizzling sound filling the air along with the delicious smell of breakfast. I don't know if I should be grateful or angry. "Jack, what in the world are you doing?"

Jack turned to him, smile gracing his face. "Hey, good morning to you too." He noticed Toothless' crying and he smile grew even bigger, perfect teeth flashing. "Not so good morning for someone, huh?" With a twirl of the spatula in his hands he pointed to the baby carrier and Hiccup settled the Toothless down into it. He paused when he was buckling him in, aware that he didn't even argue with Jack for once. "I'll make some formula along with breakfast, just give me a minute."

Toothless' face was turning red. "I don't think we have a minute," Hiccup said.

"Alright then you take over the pancakes." Jack moved away from the stove and handed Hiccup the spatula, fingers touching with a small jolt. "I'll take care of Toothless." He pushed Hiccup gently so he was standing by the stove, a golden pancake was cooking, the smell nearly making him drool. Jack bustled around him, quickly making the formula and setting it in a pot of water next to where Hiccup was. "I hope you don't mind, I gather some stuff from around the kitchen and made some pancakes. You didn't have much else to work with."

"Uh huh." At least he's making breakfast and not emptying my bank account or murdering me, I suppose I should be happy about that. "And since when did you learn to cook?" He checked underneath the pancake, not sure how to tell if it was cooked fully.

Jack shrugged and waited for the bottle to heat up, giving small glances to Toothless who becoming more and more cranky by the second. "Just sort of learned." He checked the temperature of the formula before putting it back in the water again. "I could teach you sometime. I learned a few easy recipes from this one guy I dated." He didn't seem to notice the sudden drop of Hiccup's shoulders, or if he did he didn't say anything. "Maybe after this whole baby situation I can teach you a few of them."

Hiccup made a face, scrunching his nose a little. "No, it's alright. I can survive on ramen until I get out of college. Then maybe when I become famous I can buy my own chef and have them make me amazing meals every night." He grinned to himself, poking the pancake with the spatula. Yeah right, that'd be the dream.

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