Chapter 22 - starting work

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When I told the others that I got the job they were so happy that they even got these little confetti popper things. Jokingly Toby put a little crown on my head. They even gave me a slice of cake apparently it was somebody's birthday at their house. Since yesterday I put the key the same chain as the telepathy necklace. I always hid it under my shirt rather than have it open to the naked eye. People will start questioning why I'm wearing such a strange necklace and bringing around a key with me. (Key looks like picture) by the end of school I went to work. My mom knew I had the job and she planned on celebrating few days later when she had the time. You go back to the building and tell the man who you are. He opens the door and you jump. SPLASH! You got out of the water and made your way to Zalgo's office. You knock on the door but before your knuckles can reach the door it opens Slowly by itself. You see your new boss writing on papers and doing some business work.

"Hello sir"
"Ah don't be so formal you're my employee every employee I have knows me as a friend"
"Heh sorry" you chuckle nervously scratching the back of your head
" just call me Zalgo" He gets up "and do you have a phone?"
"Yes si- I mean Zalgo" you take out your phone

He makes your phone float to him and he types of things on your phone.

" I downloaded a special kind of app it has the music on it that's blocks out all the words of the unwilling Fighters"

he gives the phone back you can see the app is very Gothic. He also hands you a pair of big headphones. They are black with red design on the ear muffs. You go through the music.

"But isn't this music that humans create?"
"Mhm but this is a special app so it works differently" He chuckled

You thank him and you go off to work. You play some of the music as you go down to the unwilling Fighters first.

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