chapter 38 - what have I gotten myself into?

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The bed, the carpet, the dresser, the wallpaper. I recognized it all. I was home and it was pitch black outside. I feel woozy just looking at what is in front of me! I pull myself to my feet and tumble forward towards the window. The cool breeze of air is nice as I just lean on the wall next to the window.  I find my eyes heavy so I close my eyes with ease. I exhale slowly open my eyes from my peaceful moment of relaxation.

The fight. My facial expression changes to terror and I tumble to my mirror. The gem. Its still there. I gently touched the jewel with my fingers. The colors inside are nowhere to be found. Its a lightless, dim, depressed shade of empty grey. I can't even see the grey swirling about inside the gem. My gut is in a knot and my mental and physical state are both a wreak. I clap my hand over my mouth and I rush to the bathroom. I quickly lift up the toilet lid and vomit into the bowl. I hear footsteps and my mother's voice.

"Y/n?" she softly asks "are you alright?"
"Yeah" I respond with my head hanging over the bowl
"How was work?" she nervously asks
"I think I worked a little too hard" I said in a jokingly manor
"I didn't even hear you come inside say hello next time" she smiles and pats my back
"I can make you a small snack if you'd like" she offers
"No" I wipe my face with toilet paper "I just need some rest"
"If you say so" she leaves

I flush the toilet and get dressed into some pjs and I hear a buzzing from my room. Its my phone. I eventually return to the bed and reach for it.

7 missed calls from: Toby

Wow what's wronged with him? Its too late to call now. I'll talk to him in person rather than in text and not risk waking him up so late at night.


The noise of a branch snapping can be heard from the window. I quickly grab my phone turn on the flashlight and look outside. Nothing in the branches of the tree near my window. I trace the light down the trunk something shiny is on the trunk and a bright glare is shown to my eyes. I hear someone bolting. A figure is running down the street. They look to be hooded with dark clothing. Weird.  A thin branch now broken dangles from the trunk. Its still swaying side to side a little. Poor tree. I direct the light at the trunk again. That small flash of light is still there. I squint my eyes and I see it has a wooden handle.
I tilt my head to the side a little to express my confusion. I'll check it out in the morning I'm not physically or mentally ready to walk out of the house and solve the mystery of what's on the tree trunk!

I throw the blankets to the side and crawl into my soft bed. Inhale . . . exhale . . . repeat. I close my eyes and doze off into a deep slumber.

The morning light pokes at my eyes as I hear the tweeting of birds at my window. Chirp chirp chirp!

"Ugh" I groan

If there was one thing I couldn't relate to it was birds. They get up too early! The early bird catches the worm ha! well this human gets up late and I still get my food! I roll to my side making the same mistake I made last night. Thud! I hit my floor and my nose takes the damage. I lift up my head and my nostrils feel warm. I bring my fingers up to my nose and touch my nostrils. Blood.

"Great just what I needed this morning"

I go to the bathroom and stuff some tissue up my nose and get ready. I take the brush and let it comb through my hair. I get to my dresser and change into whatever I find first. I grab my bag and check my nose. I take the tissue out and see the bleeding has stopped. I give out a sigh of relief and make my way to the kitchen. I put a slice of bread into the toaster and set my bag on the counter. I make my way outside and walk over to the tree. Confused I circle around the tree a dozen times. Where did that metal thing go? Where is the wooden handle? I see nothing but a mark on the trunk. Whatever went into the tree it was sharp.

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