Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Shayla's Pov.

Amanda and I sat at our usual picnic table at lunch time, listening to our music, talking about random shit. She suddenly nudged my arm and harshly whispered "Band guy at 3 o'clock.!" I looked up to wear she was looking and saw the guy, he was for sure Amanda's type. He had head phones in with an iPhone in his hand as he walked, taking long strides in his black converse. He looked our way and we both looked down immediately, feeling embarrassed. That was our usual thing. See a hot guy, check him out, get caught, look away awkwardly and blush. You might say we're both slightly socially awkward. "He was totally cute! And I think he checked you out!" I smirked at Amanda, nudging her arm. "We should find out who the fuck he is and then talk to him and then I can marry him and have beautiful little babies and a cute house and maybe he can be in a band, because he totally looked like he had band member status.!" She gets a little excited about things sometimes, but hey, I don't blame her. We all have our moments, don't we? We saw our old english teacher from 10th grade which we considered a friend, and called him over. "Mr.Patrick! Do you know who that guy who just walked in was?" I asked, eating a goldfish cracker. "Uhhhh. The guy in the leather jacket, purple hair?" He questioned, "Yeah! That'd be him! Know him?" Amanda was getting really excited. "Er, yeah I had him the same year I had you girls, names Brady Szuhaj." Amanda smiled and nodded. "Thanks Mr.Patrick!" You see, he has learned over the years not to question Amanda and I because 1. We don't have an answer.

2. We sound like we've done lots of drugs.

3. We give really weird answers.

He nodded and left us, going back inside. "So, lets go see if we can find him, casually tell him you like his hair? Then ask wear he gets it done or if he does it himself." Amanda put on some lipgloss, fixed her hair a little and got up. We threw our trash away, went inside and looked around. I saw Brady, but then saw someone sitting beside him. He was wearing some black skinny jeans, combat boots, a denim jacket with messy brown hair and a lip ring. GORGEOUS. "Found him, and a hot friend of his." I smirked and nudged Amanda. We walked over to the guys, and Amanda started talking to Brady. Brady's friend smiled and me and saw my Memphis May Fire bracelet. "Nice bracelet. Love MMF." He said, smiling. "Names Clayton, and you?" I grinned and nodded "thanks, and I'm Shayla" he smiled and scooted over, "have a seat if you want." I sat beside him and we started talking about our favorite bands. We had a shit ton in common, plus I found out that he and Brady are in a band, it's a new, small band but they've got a bit of a fan base. The band was Late Nite Reading.

AHHH. GUYS. Good? Bad? Continue? Stop? Let me know!

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