Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Clayton's P.O.V.

I walked down to Starbucks in the hospital to get Shay and I some coffee while she and Amanda had a talk in her hospital room. Amanda had been really whiney lately about Drew, and whenever someone brought up Brady she would change the subject or just ignore it. I knew she was hurting but god damn, she was tearing my band apart and making things rough for Shay and I because all Shayla did was talk about Amanda's problems and wanted my advice so she could tell Amanda. Honestly I didn't give a fuck, she needs to figure out which one she wants and who's a better choice for her to be with and who will make her happy. I walked in only to see Amanda gone and Shayla on tumblr. "Wasn't Amanda just here?" She nodded and didn't look up from her laptop screen. "So where'd she go?" I sat her coffee on the table and sat in a chair near her bed. "Oh, Brady texted her and she went to go meet up with him." She answered bluntly. I sighed and sipped my coffee and finally looked at her. "Shayla. I think you spend too much time worrying about those 3. We barely spend time with each other. Maybe you'd get better if you stopped worrying about them and started worrying about your fucking self!" I was just letting my anger out. I wasn't sure why I was snapping on her but fuck man, I was pissed off. "Clayton what the fuck is wrong with you?" She looked at me, shutting her laptop. "You. That's what's fucking wrong. You're too concerned about their problems than you are with getting out of this fucking hospital!" I was practically yelling at this point. "I'm trying dude, I'm fucking trying to get better!" She yelled back at me. I got up, shaking my head. "No, you're trying to help your whore of a friend figure out who she loves when Drew is fucking cheating on her anyway! I think we need a break Shay." I walked out and slammed the door behind me. God dammit.

Shayla's P.O.V.

"I think we need a break Shay." Was repeating, over and over in my head. I felt my eyes well up with tears as I watched Clayton slam the door, muttering something under his breath. The tears started pouring down my face as I started to realize what just happened. I just lost the love of my life. I curled up in my bed, pulling my blanket over me as I hugged a pillow tight. I sobbed into my pillow, just wanting Clayton to be there holding me tight. "P-please come back.." I whispered. I jumped slightly as my door opened, hoping it was Clayton. To my surprise it was Dalton. He rushed over to my bed and pulled my into a hug, being careful of my IVs and things. He rubbed my back and rocked my lightly. His arms made me feel safe, a feeling that I loved about Clayton when his arms were around me. God, I already missed him. "What happened? I saw Clayton walking out and he was crying as hard as you are.." He said softly. This made me look up at him. "H-he was?" I sniffled and looked at him. I probably looked like shit. My hair was a mess, my eyes red and puffy, with fresh tear streams down my cheeks. Dalton nodded and asked what happened again. "He's upset that I'm so worried about Amanda and Brady and Drew. He just told me Drew was cheating on her anyway, so I need to tell her. But he told me I was more worried about them than getting myself better so he said we needed a break and left.." Dalton nodded and hugged me again. He sat on my bed side and looked me in the eyes. "He's probably just stressed out Shay, he'll be back for you. And if he doesn't then he wasn't the right guy for you." He tried to calm me down. He reached over and wiped my eyes gently. I tried to smile a little. I looked at him and all of a sudden his lips crashed into mine. His hand was cupping my head. I pulled away looking at him. "Dalton.." I whispered looking away, my cheeks were heating up. "Shayla.. I love you." I could feel his eyes on me. I didn't feel this way about him. "I can't Dalton.. I'm in love with Clayton.." I looked at him and saw the hurt in his eyes. Great. I hurt 2 people in one day. I tried to pull him into a hug but he pulled away, getting up to leave. "Please don't leave here.." I pleaded, needing someone. He ignored me and walked out. I went back to my curled up position, crying into my pillow. I just needed my Clayton back.

After a few hours of crying I just laid there, staring blankly at the ceiling when I heard a soft knock and a voice that I was relieved to hear. "Shayla?" Mr.Patrick was standing in the door way. I wiped my eyes, trying not to look like I'd been crying. "Hey, how are you?" I asked him, sporting my best fake smile. He walked in and sat in the chair by my bed, looking around at the IV bags. "I think I should be asking you, I heard what happened from some kids at school yesterday so I had to come see you. How are you?" He asked looking at me with sad eyes. I sighed softly and bit my lip for a moment, contemplating on telling him the truth. "Physically, better. Emotionally, terrible. I just hurt 2 people in one day and I still have to tell Amanda that her boyfriend is cheating on her, so that'll be 3. I got my heart ripped out by Clayton, and Dalton just fucking kissed me and I just want Clayton to come hug me but he won't answer my calls or texts. I don't know what to do Mr.Patrick, I'm helpless." I ranted on, my eyes welling up again as my voice started to tremble. He nodded and pulled me in for a hug. "Hey.. The Shayla I met 2 years ago was not helpless. You just feel that way now because of everything happening. If Clayton truly cares and loves you, he'll come around. Maybe he just needs some alone time to think." Mr.Patrick always knew how to make things seem okay. I nodded and sighed. "Thanks.. And thanks for coming to see me. I really needed a friend right now." He smiled at me. "Anytime. I mean, how could I not visit one of my two favorite students while she was in the hospital after saving a little boys life?" We both laughed a bit. Once Mr.Patrick left, I laid down and cuddled Clayton's hoodie he'd left here with me, eventually falling asleep.


Will Clayton come back? What's going to happen with Brady and Amanda? Poor Dalton, loving someone who's already in love. I may add a love interest in for him, who knows. Probably a Brady/Amanda/Drew chapter next :3 <3

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