Chapter 10

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Clayton P.O.V.

It had been 3 weeks since I'd left Shayla. And they've been hell. She's out of the hospital now and back at school. We see each other a lot in the hall. She always looks so sad. And that's awful to see when you're the person who hurt her. I can't take another day of the agony I'm putting both of us through. Today will be the day that I fix things and get the love of my life back.

I leave for school around 7:20, knowing that Shayla gets to school early. I'm wearing black skinny jeans and a SayWeCanFly shirt with a black zip up jacket. My normal, worn, black converse are laced up and drudging into the school. My head is spinning with things to say. I need this girl back in my life. She's the best thing I've ever had. She makes me a better me. And that's when I see her. Standing against the wall, head phones in. Her favorite All Time Low shirt on, black skinnies, converse. She looks perfect. I smile a little as I walk up to her. She gets very flushed. "H-hey Clay.." She murmurs. I just smile. Wow. It's been so long since I've heard her say that. The past few weeks my name has been asshole.

Shayla's P.O.V
Mariana's Trench is blasting through my headphones when I see a familiar face. "H-hey Clay.." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. His cheeks turned the cutest shade of red. Fuck I've missed him. I need to apologize and get him back. We just stand there, looking at each other for what feels like forever. We both start to speak at the same time, "listen I just.." We both laugh a bit, I look down, scuffing my shoes a bit. His cool fingers lift my head back up to look at him. "Shay I'm so sorry.. I was a complete douche bag. You deserve so much better." How could he say that? Doesn't he understand how much I care about him?. "Clayton. Even if I did deserve better I'd still only want you, ya shithead." He laughs and pulls me into one of his famous Clayton Collins hugs. I hug back as tight as I can. "I missed you.." He whispered softly, causing millions of butterflies to whip around in my stomach. "I missed you too." I murmur softly, not wanting this moment to end anytime soon.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short, just trying to get back into the swing of things. I'll probably try to write another Brady/Amanda chapter soon. Thanks for reading guys!

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