Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Amanda's P.O.V.

It had been 6 months since Brady had asked me out, and 6 months for Shayla and Clayton as well. It was April and we were on spring break. Brady and I wanted to go to the beach in Florida, but Shayla and Clayton were going to visit Clayton's parents in Indiana for the week. Drew and his girlfriend were coming along with Brady and I which I thought was going to be a really fun time, until we got home from the trip..

Brady's P.O.V

Amanda, Drew, Elizabeth (Drew's Girlfriend) and I had been in Florida for 3 days and I was ready to leave. Every time I saw Drew, he was with Amanda and they would be laughing or smiling or whispering about something. And I knew how Drew flirted and how he accidentally falls for people sometimes, but she was mine and he knew it! Every time I saw them my heart shattered a little more. I got the bad kind of butterflies, not like the ones I get when I kiss Amanda, but the ones when something terrible is happening and you can't stop it. Had it taken Drew and Amanda 8 seconds to fall in love with each other? God, I hoped not. I sighed as I walked into the living room of the condo we were staying in for the week to see Amanda's head in Drew's lap, and Drew's arm around her. They were both asleep and some music was on. I felt my eyes well up with tears of anger and pain. I stormed out and went to sit on some rocks on the beach, watching the ocean. The sun was setting, it was beautiful. "What cunts.." I muttered to myself.

I could hear a girl crying, well. More like sobbing. I didn't know where it was coming from. I panicked, hoping it wasn't Amanda but then I turned and saw Elizabeth sitting in the sand near the condo. I walked over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "Hey.. What's wrong Liz?" I cooed softly. She was trembling in my arms. She sniffled and wiped at the mascara blackened tear streams on her cheeks. "Drew loves Amanda.." She answered, barely above a whisper. I clenched my jaw and held her tight. "I know he does.. I know.." I muttered, starring blankly at the ocean waves crashing onto the shore.

Back Home after spring break.

The next day, I was laying in a hammock out in the backyard when Amanda came over, attempting to curl up at my side and cuddle. I sighed and got up, going back in the house, clearly annoyed. I hadn't spoken to her about why I had been so aggravated lately because I figured Drew and her would know exactly what the fuck was wrong. I heard her whimper and sigh, not moving from the hammock as I walked away which angered me even more. Why the fuck is she still with me when she clearly fucking loves that bastard?! I slammed the door behind me and went to the shower to try and relax.

Amanda's P.O.V

I laid in the hammock for a little while longer, watching the clouds, enjoying the warm sunlight hit my face. Brady was acting like such an ass lately ever since we got back from the beach. Anytime I tried to be with him he'd always get up and leave. He obviously doesn't understand how much pain he's causing me. I've been thinking about having a serious talk with him but not sure when or how to start it. Maybe I should just be blunt with him, but I really don't want to lose him. Brady is the best thing to ever happen to me and he makes my life so much happier and fun. He's made me a better me. I contemplate having a talk a little while longer before getting up to go find him. I walked inside and went up to his room. I knocked on the door lightly, shaking slightly. "Brady?" I said nervously. "Come in," he answered still sounding annoyed. I opened the door and looked at him, and at the same moment we both said, "we need to talk." I could only imagine how pale I was at this moment. I felt like I needed a couple bottles of anti-anxiety pills to calm me down. My heart was practically slamming against my chest. Would this be the end of my so called Senior Fling?


Sorry this was a little short! What do you think is gonna happen? Will they end it? Will they work things out for true love? Hmmmm. So many possibilities. >:)

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