Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Clayton's P.O.V

Falling in love blows. Especially when you fall in love in 8 seconds with a girl you just met! You can't tell her because she'll think you're a complete and utter weirdo who doesn't know what the hell love even is and she'll never talk to you again.

It's been 2 weeks since I met Shayla and we've hung out a lot. She and Amanda come to band practice most of the time when they aren't working or anything. Amanda and Brady are totally in love and you can so see it in both of them. Brady gives her little hugs from behind and she always plays with his fingers when they hold hands. Shayla and I think that they're together, but they both always deny it and say they're just really good friends. I told Shay that when I get the chance to be alone with Brady I'd try to talk to him about it and she'd do the same with Amanda. Little did I know Brady and Amanda made the same promise about Shayla and I.

That night after practice, after the girls left, Brady and I decided to go grab some Taco Bell. We ordered and sat down. I sighed and played with my lip ring, looking at Brady. "So uh.. Since the girls aren't here can we have a serious talk man?" I asked him. He stopped eating and looked up at me, talking a sip of his soda. "Yeah, I was gonna ask the same thing. What's up with you and Shay dude? I see how you two look at each other, your eyes light up when you see each other, you laugh at her, she laughs at like everything you say. You are totally in love man.!" He looked at me with such a serious expression. I knew I felt something for her but I couldn't tell her, could I? It had only been two weeks! I sighed and ate a nacho. "Dude.. I know. I love her. But who the fuck falls in love in two weeks? She'd just think I was trying to get in her pants!" I groaned and ate a bite of my taco. Feelings sucked. I looked at Brady as he was eating and raised an eyebrow. "So. What about you and Amanda?" I questioned. He put down his taco and ran a hand through his purple and blonde hair, rubbing the back of his neck. "I dunno dude.. I've just been waiting to see if she likes me back, I don't wanna get hurt." He had a good point. He's been hurt in almost every relationship he's been in. But if he can't see how totally in love Amanda was with him then he was a flat out idiot.

*A few days later on Friday Night*

"So do you wanna go take Shay and Amanda to a movie tonight?" Brady was laying in the floor, throwing a tennis ball into the air, catching it as I strummed my guitar, thinking of some new lyrics. I shrugged "sure, what do you think they'd wanna see?" I looked over at him, smirking as the tennis ball hit him in the face. "Well, I've overheard them talking about some Winters Tale movie so I was thinking we'd grab some food, go to the movie then get some Dairy Queen." Food, ice cream, and Shayla? Hell yeah. I was down. I pulled out my black iPhone 5 and texted Shayla, "hey beautiful (: be ready in an hour.!" I grinned and slipped my phone in my pocket, getting up to get ready. "Text yo woman so she'll be ready." I chuckled and went to the bathroom to straighten my hair.

We were all sitting around the table, sipping our drinks. Amanda and Shay were deep in conversation about Winters Tale while Brady and I talked about some upcoming gigs. Brady texted me under the table: "dude, if I ask Amanda to be my girlfriend tonight, you should ask Shayla! This is technically a double date!" I looked at him before I replied, arching my eyebrow at him: "idk man, what if you chicken out but I go through with it?" He shrugged "I won't! I swear to god!" I nodded and put my phone in my pocket when the food came.

After dinner we went to the 7 o'clock showing and sat in the middle row. Amanda didn't wear her glasses so we had to sit a little close so she could see. Brady sat by the wall, then Amanda, then Shay, and then me. I saw Brady pull the old yawn and stretch move to put his arm around Amanda. I rolled my eyes and looked at Shay and whispered, "Brady admitted it at dinner Tuesday night by the way." She giggled and nodded softly, whispering back "really?! Amanda did too!" I smirked and looked at them. My best friends were happy and in love. I was happy and in love. Senior year was looking pretty damn good.

After the movie it was around 9:30. It was autumn so it wasn't freezing but it was that nice kind of chilly. I slipped my hand into Shayla's, intertwining our fingers. I pulled her away after nodding to Brady. I smiled at her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Shay, at dinner Tuesday when I asked Brady about Amanda, he asked me about you." I noticed the blood rushing to her cheeks. Awh awh. I grinned. "And what did you tell him?" She questioned quietly. "Well.. That I was so madly in love with you that it hurt sometimes, but was scared you would think I was a weirdo." She giggled softly and played with my jacket strings. "You are a weirdo though!" She smirked. "So uhm, I was just curious if you'd maybe uhm.. Be my girlfriend?" You'd think all the blood in her body was in her cheeks they were so rosy and red. "Of course Clayton!" She smiled and kissed my cheek. I pulled her into a tight hug before looking over at Brady and Amanda who were sitting in the grass, Amanda's head on his shoulder and his arm around her waist. He kissed the top of her head and she closed her eyes with a smile. And that, was only the beginning for all of us.

An~Erm, probably Brady or Amanda's Pov next.!

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