Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Shayla's P.O.V

"Would you like another glass of sweet tea sweetheart?" Clayton's mom offered me. His parents wanted us to have dinner the night before we left to go back to West Virginia. We'd spent spring break in Indiana with them while Brady and Amanda went to Florida with Drew and Liz. "Uhm. No thanks, I think Clayton and I wanted to take a walk before it got dark." I smiled at her as we got up from the dinner table. Clayton put our plates in the sink as I slipped on my old converse. He waited by the door for me and took my hand as we walked onto the porch. His hand was pale, much bigger than mine which was like the best thing ever because I mean come on. When your boyfriends hand is even slightly bigger than yours, you feel safe and it's just cute. Shut up, don't judge me.!

"Your parents seem to like me," I smiled up at Clayton, admiring his profile as he looked straight ahead of us. I could see his beautiful smile form as he swung our hands a bit. "Pfft, nah not at all babe." He chuckled and smirked at me. Such a sarcastic asshole. But I loved his sarcasm. "Wooooow. Thanks Clay." I grinned and kissed his cheek. God did I love him. We walked a bit longer, talking about our travels for tomorrow.

We were walking through a neighborhood that had a lot of family's with young kids. Their toys were scattered all over the front lawns. We saw a little boy about 5 or 6 kicking his soccer ball around in his yard. We smiled at him and he waved as he kicked the ball, it rolled out into the street and he ran after it, not noticing the car coming around the corner quickly. I let go of Clayton's hand and jumped into the road, pushing the little boy out of the way. Everything went dark, it was suddenly very cold, and all I could hear was Clayton panicking.

Clayton's P.O.V.

"SHAYLA.!!" I screamed as I watched the girl I was in love with push a little boy out of the way and get slammed by a car. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. I ran over to her, cradling her In my lap. I was crying, sobbing as I held her body close to me. "Shay stay with me,.!" "Shay please, please wake up!" I screamed as the man driving the car got out, dialing 911 on his cell.

When the ambulance got there they made me stand back. At which point I looked at the man standing by his car. "God damn you!" I screamed and pushed him against his car, grabbing him by his shirt. I clenched my fist and drew back to swing when my father came up behind me, grabbing my hand and pulling me against him. "Dad stop!" I screamed tears still streaming down my face. He held me tight, hugging me. "Clayton.. Calm down.. Lets meet the ambulance at the hospital." He started walking me back home to get in the car.

"The doctors can't do the surgery here.. She has to be taken back to West Virginia and her surgery will be on Monday." My dad told me as we sat in the waiting room of the ER. I clenched my jaw, running my hands through my hair over and over. "Fuck me.." I mumbled. I decided to leave early that night to get to West Virginia so I could be there when Shay arrived at the hospital.

Monday morning.

I had been at the hospital for 2 days, sitting in Shays room. After they took her back to surgery it would be about 3 or 4 hours. I sat in the waiting room with Drew, Brady and Amanda, and Dalton. I got up and paced the room, staring blankly at the floor or out the window. "Hey, I'm gonna run downstairs to Starbucks and grab some coffee.. Does anyone else want anything?" Amanda stood up, looking at everyone else. I didn't say anything, Drew and Dalton asked for a coffee, but Brady got up as well. "I'll go with you" he said in his shitty tone he's been using with her lately. She nodded and they went to the elevators.

Amanda's P.O.V

It would be a long time at the hospital and I hadn't slept since the night Clayton called me to tell me about the accident so I wanted some caffeine. I offered to go grab some Starbucks for everyone when Brady got up to go with me. I knew what was coming.. We'd never had our talk about what was wrong and I knew it was going to come now. I sighed as we walked toward the elevators. He pulled me outside when we got to the first floor and made me stand against a wall, looking down at me. "Listen. Lying about this won't help so please just be fucking honest with me. In Florida, did you or did you not fall for Drew?" I could feel my cheeks heating up as the blood rushed to my face. I looked down at the ground only to feel Brady tilt my head back up lightly. I could see the pain in his eyes. But the truth was that I did fall for Drew a little bit.. But I was in love with Brady. "Brady.." I started quietly, looking at him sadly. "You know I'm in love with you.." I was tearing up, my voice shaking. "I'm not so sure after I saw you guys cuddling in Florida. I mean what the fuck?!" He was raising his voice. "Brady.. Calm down" I tried to get him to be quiet but that only got him angrier. "No! Amanda you love Drew! Go be with him because I can't be with you anymore." He growled and walked back inside. I couldn't move. My knees buckled and I sat against the brick wall of the hospital. I pulled my knees in, hugging them as I put my head down, sobbing. I felt a familiar pair of arms slink around me pulling me close. "Shh.. Look at me.." Drew cooed softly. I peeked up at him, seeing Dalton standing behind him. I wiped my eyes quickly feeling embarrassed. I hugged Drew tight as he rubbed my back asking me to explain. I started to tell them what happened when I saw Brady come back out. He looked at us and growled, pulling Drew to his feet. " fuck you man! You know how much I love her! Why are you always trying to steal my fucking girlfriends?! Especially her?!" Dalton stepped in front of me as I saw Brady draw back his clenched fist and then let it go, punching Drew in the mouth. I covered my mouth, holding back a scream as I watched them fighting. Dalton and I tried to break it up, but it wasn't enough. Clayton walked out to go grab something from his car And ran over, pulling Drew away from Brady as Dalton grabbed Brady. "FUCKING STOP DUDE" Clayton screamed at Brady. "Do you really think this is what Amanda or I wants or needs right now?!" Brady wiped some blood from his lip and walked inside with Dalton. I tried to follow but Dalton told me to go with Drew and Clayton. I nodded and went back outside hugging Drew tightly. "I'm so sorry.." I mumbled quietly into his chest. He didn't say anything, only held me tightly against him, resting his head on top of mine.


Oh damn, what's gonna happen next? Will Brady and Amanda fix things? Will Drew and Amanda become a thing? What happens to Shayla? We shall see (; probably a Clayton or Shayla P.O.V next or a Brady. Dunno yet!

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