Chapter Fifteen - What's the Worst that Can Happen?

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Hovering in the dim hallway I tried to gain the courage to go downstairs and ask Chase the questions Reid had made me promise to bring up but I felt like my courage had deserted me. What's the worst he could tell me? Telling me he did indeed try and make Caleb will him his power would be terrible. Didn't Evelyn or Joseph say that they'd die if they willed their powers away? Someone said it I'm sure. Maybe I should leave that till last. I was afraid of what might happen if the conversation turned south. He's not going to be happy if I start accusing him of possibly murdering Caleb and the others nor is he going to be happy to know I'm unsure about who to trust. I don't know what he's capable off when he's angry. I mean he has magical powers for god sake, he could do something awful to me with a look and I don't even know how to defend myself with my own, if I even have them. I don't feel a connection with my magic so how the hell was I meant to use it to protect myself. I let out a heavy frustrated sigh as I leaned my head against the wall trying to calm myself. If I could calm myself maybe I'd feel a bit more courage. I have to ask him, I needed to know the truth and who I could really trust. I just have to keep reminding myself that the Chase I knew was a boy and I'm different from the little girl he knew so he's different too. I can do this. I want to know who I can trust. Sucking in a deep breath as if it was the courage I needed to push me off the wall and down the stairs towards the living room.

"Hey." My whisper sounded forced as I stood in the living room threshold biting on my lip as I watched Chase reading a book in front of the fire place.

"Hey." He turned to me after a few minutes of silence, brow arching as he looked me over and I tried to appear calm and not the anxious nervous mess I felt I was. "Is something wrong?"

" nothing is wrong...can...can we talk."

"Of course." I shifted from one foot to the other trying to find the words to begin.

"I...I was wondering if you can...if you can tell me more about how you know the others...why you think they are a danger to me...why they didn't seem happy to see you?" I clasped my hands together tightly using the dull pain from my nails biting into my palms to centre me and make me focus on Chase. He eyes narrowed for an instant before he looked back at the book in his hands. I couldn't help jumping as he snapped it shut, the sharp noise echoing through the silent house. Placing it on the coffee table he straightened before turning his head back to me.

"I came here a while father told me there were other bloodlines and the history of our families and the covenant. I didn't have anyone but my father to ask about the power we'd inherited. I thought coming here, finding the others that I might be able to find a commonality. But I also knew they might be suspicious of me, wary of my intentions so I didn't tell them who I was straight away. I wanted to try and see if we could be friends first. I think we got on quite well at first, until they realised who I was. They didn't react well when I came clean. They assumed I was here for their power. We ended up getting in to a fight...Caleb very nearly killed me. If I hadn't drawn you back here I would have died." I stood deathly still as he finished speaking, his dark eyes boring into me as I tried to decipher the truth from the lies. Something about his story didn't sit well with me especially after what the others had told me after all they're fathers had been willing to see if his father was different and they hadn't told their sons that it went badly so why would they be immediately suspicious of him for no reason. Still even though it felt like he was lying something inside me was urging me to ignore my worry, that I should trust him. Was that the spell Reid thought he might have cast on me already? Something to make me trust him more than I initially would.

" didn't try and force Caleb to will you his power?"

"No. Of course not. Did they tell you this before?"

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