new high school

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I walked over to the office and got my schedule. I stood outside the door of the office examining my schedule. Couple floors upstairs, couple floors downstairs. I smiled a bit. Well, I can do this.

I smiled and walked to my classes trying to figure out where to go. I walked to my first class which was science.

I took a seat next to this guy wearing a blue hoodie covering his face. He was doodling in his notebook. He was actually really talented. I smiled. "Your drawings are really good" i said. Under his hoodie it looked like he smiled. "My names y/n. Whats yours?" I asked.

"My names Jonathan, but watch out I'm delirious" It looked like he smirked under his hoodie. "Um, you seem...strange. But not in a bad way. I've seen weirder. I mean Justin Bieber exists" he laughed really loud, his laugh sounding psychotic. Everyone turned and looked at us.

He looked at me and stopped laughing. "Sorry" i smiled. "I like your laugh. It's unique" he smiled and the bell rang. The teacher came in and class started.

《《 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 》》

I walked out of Science and checked my next class. History. I looked at the classroom number and wandered around the halls looking for it.

I finally came across the room number. I took a deep breath. I entered and found a seat. I waited for class to start when I heard an irish, loud voice. "Excuse me I think you're in my seat" I looked up and saw a pale somewhat short guy with green hair.

"Oh sorry. I'll move" he stopped me. "No it's fine. You can sit there. Are you new here? I've never seen you around before" he said as he took a seat next to me. I smiled.

"Uh thanks. And yeah I'm new here. First day" he smiled. "Well I'll make it easier for you. You got one new friend right here" he beamed. I smiled. "The names Sean, but you can call me Jack (JackSepticEye)"

"My names y/n. Cool to meet you" i smiled. The bell rang. The teacher walked in and class began. "Good morning class my name is Mrs. Florence. We have a new student today. Y/n come up here and introduce yourself"

I walked up to the front of class and smiled. "Well I'm y/n and I just moved here from Columbus Ohio" the teacher smiled and I walked back to my seat.

"Class today we have an assembly so chat amongst yourselves" I smiled. "So does this always happen when there are assemblies?" I asked Jack. "Yeah pretty much. It's good for you though. You can talk to the amazing Jack!" He said.

I giggled. "Well there's two things I've already learned about you. One you're loud and two you're not modest" I said. He laughed. "I also love cookies" I smiled. "I'll keep that in mind"

"So have you made any friends besides me yet?" He asked. "Nope. I talked to this one guy but that's about it" he frowned a bit.

"I can promise you one thing. You'll get a lot of friends. Just you wait" I giggled. "Thanks Jack. I mean if I made friends with you how hard could it be?" I said. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked. "Take it however you want it" I said.

He tapped his chin as if deep in thought. "I'll take it as a good thing" the bell rang and we walked out of class. "What class do you have next?" Jack asked me. I took out my schedule and checked. "I have computers next" he frowned. "Hm I don't have that class. But don't worry one of my best friends is in that class. I can walk ya there if you'd like"

I smiled. "Sure" me and him walked side by side to the class. We arrived and he went to his next class. I walked in and took an empty seat. I looked around at the classroom. Everyone was talking with friends and the teacher wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I got out a book and started reading. "That's one of my favorites" I heard a deep voice say. I looked up and saw a tall guy with red hair and glasses. "Hi I'm y/n. It is a good book huh?" He smiled. "Yup. I'm Mark. You new here?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yup moved here from Ohio" he smiled. "Got any friends?" I nodded. "Yeah just one friend named Jack. Green haired weirdo" I said, giggling a bit. "Really? Jacks one of my best friends!" He exclaimed.

I smiled. "Oh you're the friend he was talking about! He said one of his best friends was in this class"

"Did he say he was buff and handsome?" I laughed. "No wonder you guys are friends. Very much alike" he laughed.

"Me and you are gonna be good friends"

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