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'Wanna hang out today? We can go to the park'

I smiled as I read the text.

'Sure it sounds like fun'

I responded and kept an eye out in case the teacher was looking. Or in case the snitch in our class was looking.

'Alright I'll pick you up. When does class end?'

'40 minutes'

'Alright I'll see your pretty face then'

"Y/n!" The sound of the teachers angry voice caught my attention. I shot my head up and tucked my phone under my leg. "Were you texting while I was giving instructions?"

"No of course not. Why would I miss valuable information that is crucial to my adolescents and adulthood?"

"Smartass" I heard a voice say

"Then explain why Evan saw you with your phone out" the teacher said. I looked to Evan's direction. He was sitting there innocently looking out the window. "Bitch" I said under my breath.

"Hand over your phone please. I would like to see what conversation was so important that it had to interrupt my teaching" The teacher extended her hand out waiting for me to give her my phone. I hesitantly gave it to her.

"Now let's see what you were texting" she said as she awkwardly tapped the screen. Everyone in the classroom was leaning forward in their seats, waiting for my secrets to be spilled. "Lets see here. You were texting a boy named Tom. Am I correct?" She asked. My face was burning.

I gave a small nod. "I see you two are interested in each other. He sent 'When I first saw you I was surprised but not disappointed' to which you responded with 'That was so embarrassing I'm sorry. I mean I don't usually meet hot guys in only my underwear' " The teacher seemed flustered after reading that and the whole class stared at me.

"Its not what you think! I-I was swimming and-"

"I do not need you to explain yourself. If you wish to explain yourself to your classmates do it after class" I could feel the heat radiating off my face and neck. I slid down in my chair. "Oh I see here you two are going on a date today. How very romantic I imagine" the teacher said sarcastically.

As soon as the teacher mentioned a date Evan looked at me. "May I have my phone now?" I asked. "After class. Until then, your phone will stay in my possession"

I looked at the clock on the wall. Only half an hour left of class and then freedom. "Now as I was saying before I was interrupted" the teacher continued her lesson and I zoned out. I spent the rest of class looking out the window thinking of names I could change mine into after Ive left the country.

"What the fuck?" Mark said after I told him what happened last period. We were walking out of the school into the parking lot. "So where is your lover boy supposed to pick you up?" He asked as he looked around for Tom.

"Front of the school" I said as I made my way over to the destination. "Alright well tell me how everything goes. See ya" he said as he started walking home.

"Bye!" I yelled out to him. I walked over to the front of the school and stood under a tree for shade. The campus was filled with students waiting to get picked up or just talking with friends. As I was looking for Tom I got scared by someone. I let out a small scream and turned around to see who the culprit was. "Tom! You scared me!" I yelled as I hit his shoulder.

"That's the point!" He said as he was laughing. I smiled and gave him a hug. A bunch of people were looking at us. I felt slightly uncomfortable at all the attention.

"Hes hot" I heard a couple of girls say.

Now I get why everyone's attention is on us.

"Lets go. I'm trying to be cute with you so I made food so we can have a picnic" Tom said as he put an arm around my shoulders. As we were walking to Tom's car, I saw Jonathan. I smiled and waved at him but he just looked away. I frowned and just shook it off.

"Am I the best boyfriend or what?" Tom asked. I giggled and shook my head. "You're cute"

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