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The bell rang and I took a deep breath as I walked inside my first period classroom. I sat down in my usual seat and just prayed the teacher would walk in and class would start early.

I looked at Jonathan and sighed. "Jonathan I'm sorry" I said quietly. He didn't even look up as he spoke to me. "What are you sorry for?" He asked with a harsh tone. "For everything. I feel like a bitch and I'm truly sorry if I lead you on. I didn't mean to and I really love having you as a friend" I said.

Jonathan opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Tyler. "Jonathan! What the fuck are you doing talking to her?" He shouted from across the classroom. Everyone's eyes turned to us and I rolled my eyes. "You guys mind your own business" I told my nosy classmates. They all slowly returned to what they were doing.

Just then the teacher walked in and class began.

"He didn't even look at you?" Mark asked. I shook my head. "Why would he?" I asked. The guys all looked at each other with a mix of worry and sympathy on their faces. Jack sighed and spoke up. "Y/n, even though we don't like Delirious and his friends we want you to be happy" he said as the rest of the guys nodded.

He continued, "Does them being mad at you really hurt you that much?" He questioned. I stayed silent and looked down at the ground. "Yeah. I mean it sounds ridiculous because I barely met them but- just...I don't know" I ended my sentence with a sigh. "Things are gonna work out y/n. Don't stress yourself out about it" Ethan said as he gave me a hug.

Anthony walked over and sat down next to me. "You ok?" He asked me. I assumed he knew about the whole situation. "Yeah I'm fine" I said nodding my head. He gave me a hug and I smiled and hugged back.

I let go and looked over at the table where Evan and his friends sat. They were all laughing and it seems like they were having a great time meanwhile me and my friends were having a mope fest. I felt bad that I had made everybody's day shitty because I was upset. I shook it off and smiled at the guys.

"You guys wanna go ice skating tonight?" I asked them. They all quickly said yes and I smiled. "Wait y/n you know how to ice skate?" Dan asked. I nodded. "Of course. I like hockey so I learned how to ice skate" I said (my apologies if you can't ice skate [I can't either lmao])

"Do they have those things that help you skate? Y'know for people that can't skate. I mean I'm not saying I can't I totally can just looking out for others" Arlan asked. I laughed and nodded my head. "Yeah they do"

Arlan smiled and nodded his head. I felt my phone ring so I grabbed it and noticed a text from Tom

Hey love I need to talk to you. Text me when school is over so I can pick you up xx

I felt my heart quicken but I responded calmly.

Alright. Can't wait to see you

I turned my phone off and looked at the guys. "Ok but think about it! Since honey never expires you wouldn't age therefore I wanna be buried in it" Phil said. "What the fuck were you guys talking about?" I asked. The guys broke out into laughter and I joined.

The bell rang and Arlan and I walked to our next class together.

"Alright class we have a new student!" My English teacher joyfully announced. I sat up in my seat. New students always interested me because it could potentially be a new friend. (Any guess who it is?)

A dude with fair skin and slightly curly brown hair stood up. He had a very cute face. He awkwardly moved to stand next to the teacher. "Hi I'm Jaren and I just moved here from Canada" he said as he gave a slight wave. "Feel free to sit wherever you'd like" the teacher said. He smiled and I looked at the empty seat behind me.

And as if he read my mind, he took the seat. I smiled as he sat down and he returned the gesture. "I'm y/n. Welcome to Cali. We got weed and surfers" I said. He smiled. "Cool. In Canada we had milkbags and snow" he said.

We both laughed and I turned around when the teacher started talking. Anthony turned around and raised his eyebrow at me. He gestured towards Jaren with his head and I mouthed 'he's cool' he smiled and nodded his head. I giggled and shook my head.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. "Sorry but do you have a pencil I could borrow?" Jaren asked. "Wow first day and you're not prepared? Unprofessional" I said teasing him. I grabbed a pencil from my backpack and handed it to him. "Thanks buttercup" he said.

I raised my eyebrow and let out a small giggle. "Buttercup?" I questioned. "It's just something I call my friends" he said. "Is that my invitation to be your friend?" I asked. He smiled. "I mean that'd be cool" he said. I laughed and nodded my head. "Alright I'll accept the offer. Anything your friends call you?" I asked.

He nodded. "Smii7y"

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