new friends

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Lunch time. I looked around trying to find Mark or Jack. I couldn't find them. I also realized I had no idea where the cafeteria was. I looked around and saw a huge group of kids walking to the same place. I walked with the crowd to find my way to lunch.

We entered a huge room filled with people eating and chatting with their friends. I saw a line of people and walked over. I grabbed a tray and went in line. I was waiting when I felt a pair of hands go over my eyes.

"Guess who" an irish voice said. "That accent is pretty hard to miss Jack" I said turning around. I saw Mark instead. "Hey!" I said laughing. Jack popped out from behind Mark and we all laughed.

We got our lunch and I followed Jack and Mark to a table. "Who else sits here?" I asked. "A couple other friends" I nodded my head. We began eating and talking when a blonde, blue eyed guy walked over to the table. He sat down in front of me. "Whats up bro? Are you new here?" He asked me. I smiled. "Yup the names y/n" I said.

"Cool my name's Felix (Pewdiepie)" I smiled. "Nice to meet ya. Also I like your accent. What is it?" I asked. "Swedish" I made an 'oh' face. We kept talking and eating when another guy came over. He had blue hair and green-blue eyes. "Everyone has their hair dyed. It looks like me and Felix are the only ones who dont" I joked.

They laughed. "I'm Ethan (crankgameplays)" the blue haired boy said. "I'm y/n. Cool to meet ya Ethan" he took a seat next to Mark.

"Honestly though your guys' hair is pretty cool. All three of you" I said. They smiled. "Felix you thinking of dying yours?" I asked. I giggled a bit. "Nah. Natural looks best on me. I'm fabulous" I giggled as did the guys.

"Oh y/n you know how you said you met a guy in class? Did you catch his name? Maybe we know him" Jack asked. "Oh. Yeah. His name was Jonathan" I said.

The guys looked a bit uneasy. "Oh. Delirious. Yeah he's the mysterious type. Just stay away from him and his friends. Please" Mark said. I frowned. "Why? He seemed really...nice. I love his laugh too" I said.

They smiled a bit. "Just looking out for you. C'mon were not gonna throw you to the sharks" Ethan said. I smiled. "Thanks you guys" I said.

I looked over at the clock and it said lunch was going to end in 10 minutes. "Hey guys it's was cool meeting all of you. I'm gonna head to class. Still gotta figure it out" i grabbed my stuff and started walking to class.

I made my way to the heavy doors and went out to the halls. The loud noise of people chatting disappeared and it was soon almost silent.

I walked down the halls looking at my schedule. My next class is math. Great. I looked at the classroom number and looked around finding my way to go.

I was looking down at my schedule when I was pushed against some lockers. "Yo what the hell?" I said groaning. "Well you are definitely new. I would've noticed you a long time ago" a guy said. The guy pinning me was tall, buff, and looked somewhat Asian.

"Well you made a great first impression" I said sarcastically. "How about I show you who I am and what I can do" he said smirking. He leaned in. I put my hand up which led him to kiss my hand.

"Nice try" I said giggling a bit. I slipped out from his cage and walked away. I turned to look at him. He watched me with his arms crossed. I winked and he blushed a bit. I turned back around and laughed.

I got to the class as soon as the bell rang indicating lunch was over. I took a seat in the back. I waited patiently for class to start. "Hey new girl" I heard a voice say.

A/n: cliffhanger. Also sorry this story sucks and I know it might be really cliche. Anyways I hope yall enjoyed. Peace! ~ Lizzy xx

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