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"How the fuck did you win?" I yelled as I stood up. I looked at Evan who had a smirk of victory on his face. He crossed his arms as he spoke, "I'm a MLG gamer" he said, teasing me. I bit back my laughter and took in a deep breath. In this moment, all I could think about was slapping that stupid smirk off his face. "I'm outta here" I said as I turned to go back to the guys. "Woah, not so fast. I believe I won that bet" he said as he grabbed my hand, stopping me from leaving. I turned around and pulled my hand back from his grasp. I crossed my arms and spoke. "Yeah, yeah. Two weeks with you and your stupid friends. When does this hell start?" I asked, annoyed. "Let's say...Monday" he said.

I rolled my eyes and uncrossed my arms. "Fine" I said, upset with the outcome. "See you then, bestie" he said, trying to annoy me as he walked away. I stood staring at him, anger present on my features. I huffed and went back to my friends. They were all still skating and I quickly put my ice skates back on, joining them. I noticed Ethan and I quickly went to him.

He was talking to Mark when I got to him. I smacked his arm and he whined. "Ow! Why'd you hit me? What'd I do?" he asked as he rubbed his arm. "You left me alone with Evan that's what. Because of that, I made a bet with him and now I have to hang out with him and his stupid friends, starting Monday" I explained to him, annoyance clear in my voice.

Both Mark's and Ethan's eyes widened in surprise. "Two weeks? Why the hell would you agree to that?" Ethan asked. "You know I'm competitive" I said in defense. He smiled. "At least you get this weekend without them. And besides, it's only two weeks" Mark said. "Yeah I guess" I said as I shrugged. We continued skating for a bit longer before we decided to go our separate ways and head home.

Once I got home, I hopped into the shower, getting ready for bed. When I was comfortable and in my pajamas, I lied down on my bed. I grabbed my phone and decided to scroll through Instagram to settle down. As I was scrolling, I got a text from Jaren. I happily opened the message and read it.

'Hey wanna hang out with me and a couple of my friends tomorrow?'

'To y'know get to become better friends and all that jazz'

I smiled and quickly responded to the message.

'Sure just tell me when and where and I'll be there'

'hey that rhymed'

I giggled to myself and read the new message from Jaren. He texted me what time to be ready and that he'd pick me up. I smiled and texted him goodnight before I turned my phone off and put it on my nightstand next to my bed. I got comfortable under my covers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and checked the time on my phone. It was 12:37pm. I sat up in bed, somewhat shocked. I hadn't expected to wake up so late. I threw the covers off of myself and got up. I walked into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes. I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cereal. (then milk) I grabbed my breakfast and sat down in the living room, finding something to watch. Jaren had told me to be ready by 2 so I had some time to spare.

I relaxed on the couch eating my breakfast when I heard my phone ringing from my room. I groaned and reminded myself to bring my phone with me wherever I went. I got to my room and checked the caller ID. The phone screen read 'Markimoo'. I smiled and answered the phone. "Hello" I greeted the red head. "Hey wanna hang out with me, Jack, Ethan, and my other friend Tyler?" he questioned. I frowned and responded, "Aw sorry Marker but I'm supposed to hang out with my new friend Jaren. He just moved here from Canada" I told him.

"Aw no worries. Maybe tomorrow we can hang out" he said. I smiled at the idea. "Yeah of course. I'm not gonna be able to see you for like 2 weeks after that so we definitely need to hang out. And I'd love to meet your friend Tyler" I said. "Ok ok. Now go hang out with your Canadian friend" he said. I smiled and we said our goodbyes before I hung up. I smiled and walked back into the living room, being sure to take my phone with me.

I finished eating my breakfast and put my dirty dishes in the sink. I turned off the TV in the living room and walked back into my room. I went to my closet and grabbed a casual, summer outfit to wear. I then grabbed my bathing suit and put it into a separate bag. Jaren had said to be ready to swim since his new house had a pool. I changed into my outfit for the day and then did my hair. I decided to put it into a loose braid since I would be swimming today.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, pleased with my appearance. I grabbed everything I needed and walked into my living room. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on, choosing something to watch while I waited for Jaren. My phone went off and I grabbed it, seeing a text from Tom.

'Hello princess, wanna have a movie marathon tonight?'

I read the message and smiled. I was not going to pass up an opportunity to hang out with him.

'Of course. I love having sleepovers with you'

'That sounded dirtier than I meant for it to'

I read over the text I sent and giggled. In all honesty I loved when we had movie marathons and he would stay the night. We would always end up falling asleep in my bed with popcorn and candy everywhere.

'😂 I know what you meant babe, and I love them too'

I smiled at the text and my attention went to my front door as I heard knocking. I turned my phone off and got up to answer the door. "Oh hey milk boy!" I greeted as a saw a smiling Jaren. He smiled and greeted me back. "You ready?" he asked. I nodded and turned off my TV before grabbing my things. I locked the door behind me and closed it as I followed Jaren to his car. "You got a pretty nice car" I complimented as I sat down in the passenger side.

"Thanks bought it myself" he said as he started the car. "Cool I bought mine myself too" I said as I pointed to my car parked in my driveway. "You got a pretty sweet ride too" he said. I smiled proudly and thanked him. "Mind if I play my music?" he asked as he got his phone out. "Nah not at all. Go ahead" I said. He smiled and put a song on. I smiled and looked out the window as I listened to the music.

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