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P.E. flew by. I got hit in the face with a dodgeball by a pitcher in baseball but other than that it seemed to go by quick. (True story) I walked into English and took my seat. Anthony came over and sat by me. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back showing his dimples.

Gosh he's so cute. (Trust me you'll end up with someone in the crew not Chilled I promise) I tried not to stare and decided to draw. I got my notebook and pencil and began drawing a flower. A rose to be exact. I finished up the flower than began drawing the stem and leaves. My pencil broke and I groaned.

I got up and went to sharpen my pencil. I checked and it was good enough. I went back to my seat and noticed Anthony was in his assigned seat. I shrugged and sat down in my seat. I continued drawing and noticed something on my paper. It was a phone number. I looked up and saw Anthony smiling back at me. I smiled and blushed a bit. I finished up the drawing and put my notebook away once the bell rang.

The teacher walked in and class began.

A little while later class was over. School was almost over. Just one more class. I made my way over to the art room. I walked in and sat in my seat by Dan and Phil. "Hey losers" I said. They gasped dramatically and I laughed. I took out my notebook once more and finished drawing my rose. "What are you drawing?" Phil asked leaning over to get a look of my notebook. "A rose. I got bored in class" I said.

"Is that a phone number I see?" Dan asked smirking. "Yup. It's Anthony's" I said. Phil smiled. "He likes you" he cooed. "Please. You guys think everyone likes me. A guy can look at me and you guys are already planning the wedding" I joked. "That's more Mark and Jack" Dan said laughing. I nodded my head.

The bell rang and I smiled putting away my notebook. My favorite class began.

"You bloody peasant!" Dan screamed while I laughed my ass off. "Gosh I love the British" I said in between laughs. Me, Dan, Mark and Jack were playing Mario Kart. I had passed Dan right before the finish line which resulted in me being second and him being third. My phone went off and I grabbed it. "Y/n pick a course!" The guys yelled. "Hold on I got a text" I said. I quickly chose a course and went to check my phone. It was from Anthony. I smiled and went to type my response. "Games starting" Mark said. I tossed my phone back on the desk and picked my controller back up.

"Ready to get your asses beat?" I asked. "You do know what we're playing right?" Dan asked. "No" I said. "Rainbow Road" Mark said. "Shit!" I yelled out. The guys laughed while I groaned. "Never get too cocky" Mark said. I sighed and we began the race.

It started out pretty good. I was in second for most of the race. "Bitch don't you dare use that red shell on me!" I yelled to Mark. "Oops sorry. What was that? I couldn't hear you" he said as he hit me with a red shell. I yelled and slammed my hand on the desk. "Fuck you Mark" I said. "You wish you could" he responded. "Nobody likes a smart ass Mark" Dan commented. "Yeah Mark nobody like you" I said pissed. "Aw I'm sorry. I'll buy you ice cream" he said. "Ok now I'm not that upset that I'm last" I said.

The race ended with me in last, Mark in third, Jack in second and Dan in first. "This is why I hate Rainbow Road" I said under my breath. The guys heard this and began began to laugh. I rolled my eyes. "I'm done with this. Bye dudes. I'm going to sleep. It's late" I said. I turned off the game and hung up the call. I ran over to my bed and jumped on, covering myself with the covers.

I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and sat up. I groaned and grabbed my phone turning off my alarm. I put my phone back on my table next to my bed. I got up out of my bed and walked over to my closet. I picked out my outfit and got dressed. I put my shoes on and walked over to my bathroom. I did my usual morning routine once again and walked out. I grabbed my backpack and phone and went into the kitchen. I ate some fruit for breakfast and put away my empty bowl.

I put my backpack on and went to my car. I drove off to school and arrived a little early. I texted the guys, asking if they were here while I sat in my car. I sat waiting for a response before getting one. 'Yeah. Meet us in the usual spot' I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I locked it and walked over to the entrance. I walked in and spotted the guys. I smiled and walked over. "Hey nerds. I can only hang for about 5 minutes. I gotta get to class early today" I said.

"Whys that?" Mark asked. "Cuz I have to" I said. Mark playfully rolled his eyes and I giggled. "OK how shall these 5 minutes be spent?" I asked. "I have no idea" Phil said. "Its 4 minutes now" Ethan said. "Why are you counting the minutes?" I asked him. "Because I'm counting the minutes until you're gone and I don't have to deal with you" he said. I smacked his arm and he laughed. "Ok well I shall just be heading to class then" I said.

I got my things and headed to science. I walked into the classroom and noticed Jonathan sitting in his seat. I walked over and sat down in my seat. I turned to Jonathan and took a deep breath. "Why did you make me that drawing" I asked. He looked at me. "Because you're different. You're not like most dicks in this class" he said. "Well thank you. I love it" I said. I noticed a blush appear on his face and I giggled.

I got out my notebook and flipped to an empty page. I got my pencil out and began to draw a tiger. I started out with the head first. I tried to get the fur just right. Then I moved on to the face. "Youre so talented" Jonathan commented. I smiled not taking my eyes off my drawing. "Thanks" I replied. "Is it OK if I see your notebook?" He asked. I stopped drawing and put my pencil down.

"Yeah sure" I said handing him the book. He flipped to the first page looking at my drawings. There were wolves, flowers, owls, drawings of space and drawing of things from Marvel and DC. He smiled looking at them. His smile dropped a bit when he looked at one picture.

"What is it?" I asked. "Oh nothing" he said flipping the page. I looked at him with a confused expression on my face. He handed me my notebook back and I continued drawing. "Ya know I would draw you in return but youre always hiding your face" I said with a small chuckle.

"I hide it in this class" he said somewhat bitter. "Why?" I questioned. "Cuz everyone in here's an ass" he said. I laughed. "Well I'm finding you at lunch. I wanna see your face, without you partially covering it" I said. He smiled a bit. The bell rang and I shook my head putting my notebook away.

A little while later it was time for history. I walked out of Science and into history. "Hello potato" I said taking a seat next to Jack. He chuckled a bit. "So did you talk to Delirious about the drawing?" He asked. "Yeah. He said because I was different than most people in the class, I was nicer" I said. "Yup he likes you" i laughed. "As I told Dan and Phil before, a guy can look at me and you and Mark are already planning the wedding"

He laughed at my comment about him and Mark and I joined in. "So what do you think?" He asked me after our laughter subsided. "I think you guys are crazy is what I think" I said. He shook his head. The bell rang and in walked the teacher prepared to start.

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