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"Yup he got jealous" Arlan said as we were waiting for our teacher. "I guess you could say that. What does it matter to him? We're not dating" I said annoyed. "Yeah. But he likes you. Of course he's gonna get upset" he said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Well he's doing a good job trying to win me over" I mumbled. The teacher walked in and I groaned.

Math was over and I was relieved. I walked to my next class, P.E. I went into the locker room and changed into my gym clothes. I put my clothes away in my locker along with my backpack. I walked into the gym and went over to the pull up bar. I looked around and jumped up, grabbing onto the bar. I stayed there dangling for a while and I finally began to pull myself up. I did a couple pull ups as a warm up. When I got exhausted I pulled myself up and did a flip on the bar. I landed on the ground and chuckled. A whistle blew and it scared the crap out of me. My teacher was standing there with his clipboard. I went with my class and we did our usual warm up routine.

"5 minutes. Go!" My teacher yelled. He blew his whistle and we began to run around the gyms perimeter. When will this be over? I thought, getting tired. My teacher blew his whistle and I sighed in relief. I walked over to my teacher and looked to him for direction. "Today we're playing a game of dodgeball! If you catch it they're out. If you get hit anywhere, you're out. We're playing with Feldmans class today" he said. I looked behind me and saw the other class. Evan and Tyler were in that class. Great.

We walked over and got ready for the game. The whistle blew and I ran to get a ball. I picked one up and threw it to a kid cowering in the back. He got hit and a smiled. I wasn't terrible at dodgeball. A ball came at my legs and I jumped. The teacher saw me and laughed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a ball rolling by another kids feet. I aimed for Tyler who wasn't paying attention.

I threw it and it hit him in the side. I laughed and he looked at me. I waved and mouthed "Bye-bye" he flipped me off and I smiled. A ball came hurtling at my face and I ducked. "Who the fuck?" I yelled. "Language!" The teacher snapped at me. I rolled my eyes and ran to get a ball. I almost got hit so I used some dude as a shield. He got out and he was not happy. "It doesn't say that you can't use people as shields" I said. He rolled his eyes and went out.

I saw a ball and raced to grab it. Some other kid had the same idea and we ran into each other trying to grab the ball. I groaned and got back up, grabbing the ball. I threw it and got a kid that looked terrified. It was just me and two other kids left on my team. On the other team was Evan and another kid. Evan got a girl on my team out and I groaned. I grabbed the ball he threw and threw it at the other blonde guy on his team. He got out and ran off to the side.

He got the last person out on my team and I sighed. "Looks like it's just me and you" Evan said to me. "I'm honored" I said sarcastically. I grabbed a ball and threw it at him. He moved to the side and it missed. "Oops" he said. I rolled my eyes. He threw a ball and I leaned back. "This is gonna take a while" I said under my breath.

"Lets make a deal. If I win you have to leave me alone" I said dodging a ball. "And if I win?" Evan asked. I held the ball in my hand ready to throw. "You get a kiss" I said. "What?" He almost yelled. I threw the ball and it hit him. I laughed and my team cheered for me. "Better luck next time" I said looking at Evan who now was upset. I laughed and turned to my teacher. "That was a good game! Well, we have time for one more game. That took longer than expected" the teacher said. I giggled and we went back to our position. I wanted to get out this time so as soon as the whistle blew I just let myself get hit. I jogged to the side and just sat down waiting for the game to be over.

A/n: I am so sorry for not writing in a while. I also apologize for this chapter being short and not very interesting. I didn't really have ideas for this chapter. But ye as always I hope ya enjoyed! Peace! - Lizzy xx

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