classes, meeting friends

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I looked up to see a guy that looked Mexican. "Hello. Who might you be?" I asked. "My names Arlan. Yours?" I smiled. "Y/n" I said. "Cool name" he said. I smiled even more. "Thanks"

"Where are you from?" He asked. "Columbus Ohio. I moved there from my hometown" I said. "Cool" the teacher walked in and I groaned. "I'm guessing you're not a fan of math" he said. I nodded. He chuckled. "I can help you. That's what friends do right?" He said. "We're friends now? I mean I'm alright with that" I said with my eyebrows raised. "Yeah. You seem cool" he said. I smiled. Math won't be so bad after all.

《《 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 》》

"See ya Arlan!" I called as I walked to my next class. "Bye y/n" he called back. I smiled walking to P.E. my next class.

《《 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 》》

P.E. seemed to fly by. I didn't really meet any new friends but I wasn't complaining. Next was English. I walked over to my class checking the classroom number just in case. I walked in taking a seat.

I read my book and waited patiently for the teacher to come in and class to start. "Good morning class! Today we're going to be writing an essay about the novel we read last week. Y/n I understand you're new so I'll have Anthony here help you"

I turned to see a guy that looked somewhat Italian. He smiled showing his dimples. He's cute. I smiled back. He walked over to me and sat next to me. "Alright class minimum of 3 paragraphs since it's due today. Good luck class if you have questions feel free to ask me" she walked over to her desk and sat down typing away at her computer.

"I know the teacher introduced me but I'm Anthony" he said. I smiled. "I'm y/n. Thanks for helping" I said. He smiled. We began talking about the novel and what happened.

Soon after he was messing around. I shook my head. This boy is gonna get in trouble. Soon the teacher looked up from her desk. "Anthony what are you doing? You should be working. This has happened too many times. You're going to have to go to the principals office" she said angry. "Uh Mrs. Labra it wasn't Anthony it was me" I said.

She raised her eyebrows confused. "Well then Miss l/n you had your warning. If i see you messing around again, youre going to the principals office" she said sternly. I slouched a little in my chair. Anthony looked at me and smiled.

The bell rang and out the door I went. In the hall I felt someone grab my hand. "Hey, y/n thanks for taking the blame. You shouldn't have done that" Anthony said. I looked at him. "No problem. I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I smiled. He let go of my hand and smiled. "See ya" he said.

I walked to my last class of the day. Art. It shouldn't be that bad. I walked in and took a seat. Pieces of classic art were all around the room. I studied them in awe and dozed off a bit.

I snapped back when I saw two pale guys with dark hair walk up to the seats by me. "Is it OK if we sit here?" One asked with a British accent. "Yeah of course" I said. "My names Phil and this is Dan" one said. "My names y/n. What made you sit here?" I asked. "Well there was no other place to sit" the one by the name of Dan said. "Oh" I looked down. "Hey! I'm kidding. You're new and we wanted to help you out a bit" Dan said.

I giggled a bit. "Thanks, you guys seem really cool" I said. "We are. You should hang out with us to see what we mean" Phil said. I laughed. "Alright I'll consider the offer"

A/n: Aghhhh. Ok so yeah all the people she became friends with I love so sorry if you don't know/like them. I can add new characters if yall want. Just let me know. So yeah I hope ya enjoyed! Peace! ~ Lizzy ♡

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