Authors Note.

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I'm such a bitch lol. Anyways hello! I'm so incredibly sorry for not updating this story or any story at that. I've been really busy lately and it's such a shit excuse. But I now have a schedule for updating this story! I'm slowly getting my crap together lol. Anyways the days I'll update this story are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! Sorry that this isn't an update but the next chapter will be an update. Now I'm gonna ramble a bit for anyone who cares to listen. So I've been thinking about this story and I honestly have no idea how I should keep it going. I have major writers block and I was thinking of discontinuing this story. But since people seem to enjoy this story I decided to finish it up. I'm thinking of ending this story soon since I have no idea how to keep it going. If you have any suggestions feel free to comment them. Also kinda random but I SAW AVENGERS INFINITY WAR TODAY AND OOOOOOF such a good movie but now I'm UPSET (if you've seen the movie or even read the comics y'know why) but anyways yeah! I'm back and I'll try to finish my stories for all you lovely readers! Thank you so much for your support!
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