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March 17, 2021
Seoul, South Korea
1:48 AM

Inhaling deeply and keeping his eyes on the sleek floor, Jimin stood gracefully on his pointe, arms raised up to the ceiling, and head facing to his left. The symphony cd started ringing though the speakers of the hollow and empty room. His blood began pumping anxiously through his body, the sudden rush of adrenaline making him take another deep breath before he slowly started moving his feet into a simple assemblé position.

His thighs burned from the daylong workout, sweat trailing in between his shoulder blades and down his back. The vein on his neck popping out angrily as he swung his body around, and jumped up in the air, landing perfectly on his toes and continuing with his routine.

His body dripped in sweat and his legs screamed in pain, but that didn't keep him from stopping. He loved the burning sensation he gained after an extremely complicated dance routine, it meant that he was doing something right, it meant that he was one step closer to earning a spot in the showcase for the end of the year, it meant he was putting more effort than the pathetic little wanna-be ballerina's who only took this as a hobby.

He needed to prove to himself that he deserved that role more than anyone else. He needed to do it so that if he didn't get the role, he wouldn't complain about it later on and think that he didn't try hard enough. He needed to get it perfectly and earn that role in Don Quixote.

Pirouette after pirouette, he didn't come to a halt until his right foot couldn't hold his weight anymore and caused him to come crashing down onto the wooden floor.

He hissed as he wiped away the sweat on his face, grabbing a hold of his aching foot and removing the pointe shoes.

Once his foot was out of the tightened object, he rotated it in a circular motion trying to ease the pain.

"Just great, that's all I fucking needed! Another sprained ankle! Fuck! " He threw the shoes across the room, making them hit the mirrored walls.

He bit his lip harshly as he kept on maneuvering his foot in circles, the pain was something he was already used to but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

He massaged it softly for several minutes until he decided to call it a day and go home. Carefully standing up, he limped his way to the bench where his duffel bag was sitting on and fished his phone out.

He clicked on the first contact that came to mind, and lifted his phone to his ear, waiting as the phone rang.

"H-hello?" A sleepy voice answered the phone, making Jimin feel a bit sorry for calling at this time of night.

"Hey, can you come get me? I- I hurt my ankle again," he said a bit embarrassed, remembering the amount of times the same situation has happened for the part 4 months.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit. Don't get up okay? I'll help you when I get there," suddenly the line went dead and Jimin could only sigh as he inserted his phone back in his bag.

Thirty or so minutes later, Jimin was brought out of his sleepy faze as the door was swung open rather loudly, making him lift up his head and look in that direction.

"Hey, is it real bad this time?" Jimin shrugged, "I can't tell yet, just help me get outta here."

As they stood up carefully, Jimin swung his arm over the males shoulders and managed to say a small, "Thanks again Hobi hyung," before he was led out the door and to the car waiting outside.

March 19, 2021
New York, New York
6:24 PM

"Yoongi, it'll be the opportunity of a lifetime! Think about it? You'll get to compose the melody for the most anticipated ballet in Asia. You're already recognized enough as it is here, but imagine getting even bigger in your side of the earth?! It'll be amazing! Trust me! You won't regret it! Hell, you can even take those little brats with you if you want, fuck it! Just don't let this chance go..." Jason, his assistant, almost literally cried as he begged Yoongi to take the deal he was offered.

"I haven't even been there in years Jason! The girls don't even remember anything from there, i can't be moving from place to place anymore! We're finally settling down here and to bring up another move? Hell no!" Yoongi shouted exasperatedly. Yes the deal was almost impossible to refuse, the pay was good, he would gain worldwide recognition, he'll be fucking famous, but the only problem and the only thing that mattered was... his sisters.

"They'll adjust Yoongs! Just consider it! Don't tell me no just yet, talk to them and then tell me, hmm?" Jason looked at him with eyes full of hope, so Yoongi being the nice guy that he is sighed and nodded.

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'll talk to them."

"Ahhh I knew it! It's too good to let go of this, you won't regret it." The eager man said as he handed over the contract to Yoongi and walked out the door.

He sighed and dialed the speed dial on his phone.


"Hey, I want to talk to you when I get home okay? It's important." He said.

"Got it, when are you coming home? Hye Jin-ah won't go to sleep and she needs to go to school tomorrow," Yoongi sighed for like the hundredth time that day, "I'll be there in an hour. I'll talk to her when I get there, see you later sweetie," he said, hanging up quickly and gathering his scattered piano sheets on the top of his desk and putting them inside a folder.

He gathered his bag, and looked around the room just in case he was forgetting something. When he was sure he had everything, he turned off the light and locked the door.


8:20 PM

"Move where?!"

"Seoul," Yoongi said nonchalantly, "We used to live there, you know that. Maybe you could even meet up with your old friends?"

"I haven't talked to them in like 5 years Yoongi! What the fuck!? Just because you're my brother doesn't mean you have to get in the way of everything I do! We're always moving and I can't ever make friends because of you and now again?!" She yelled, eyes flooded with tears, "No! I don't want to. I'm staying here! I'll stay with Aunty if I need to," she folded her arms over her chest, pout sporting her lips.

"I'm sorry Hye Rin, you know I'd stay here if I could but this is big.. a big opportunity, I probably won't have another shot at this ever again," he tried to explain, "please don't do this."

As much as he wanted to take up on that offer, he still felt horrible having to talk his sisters into it. Having to deal with a 17 year old and a 10 year old wasn't easy, especially when they were both girls and grown up in America.

He did understand why the teenager was so upset but at the same time, he wishes she'd understand.

"Is there any other way??" She asks, tears still rolling down her pale cheeks and red eyes.

"I mean, you're 17... You're not really an adult yet, and I don't want to leave you behind but if you really don't want to leave, I guess you could stay with your aunt." He sighed, looking down at his fingers.

"C-can I do that? You won't stay over there too long right?" She asked.

"I guess you could, and no it's only until the showcase. Then I can come back." He said.

"I'll take Hye Jin with me, but just work with me please... Things will be better when this is all over... I promise." He inhaled, running his hand on the top of the teenagers hair, and rubbing her back to comfort her.

"It'll be okay, we've been okay so far, haven't we? Everything will be fine," he kept saying.

"Just comeback soon, okay?" She says softly, and Yoongi nods.

I'll be back soon.

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