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December 30, 2021

New York, New York

Jimin spends the rest of the week under the supervision of various experts. Most of them trying to find a way to undo the damage done to his foot, a way to salvage his career. Most of their attempts are pointless. Ripping his achilles tendon was only the tip of the iceberg that were the long term results of ballet dancing. After numerous amounts of X-rays, MRI's and CT-Scans, the doctors were able to discover some damages done to his column, and his right hip.

Some doctors suggested a corrective surgery and although the successful rate is rather high, just the mere thought of maybe worsening the situation is enough to make him rule the option out. Another doctor is a little bit more realistic and tells him that rehab is the best way to go, he thinks that physical therapy will eventually help him gain 90% of the mobility on his heel back, but then he says that dancing professionally is completely out of the question.

Spending the entire week in a plain hospital room gave him enough time to accept the reality of the situation, Jimin came to terms with the fact that he will no longer be able to dance for the academy. Luckily, Yoongi has been there almost every day ever since he was admitted and although he can't stay for too long because visiting hours end at eight and he still has his two sisters with him, he still tries to be there as many times as he can. They often bring lunch and sometimes they bring flowers to him when they visit. He's gotten to know the older of the Min girls and he's grown quite fond of her now that thy've been coming over with Yoongi. Overall, having them around brings him that little bit of happiness he needs to stay strong.

It's early in the morning, and last night's nurse had just come to bid her goodbye to him. She tells him to keep his head up and to smile, that he needs to be strong to get better and at last, she tells him to take care of himself. She leaves after erasing her name from the white board and giving him a side way hug.

The new nurse comes in with a clipboard in hand not too long after. She greets him 'Good Morning' and begins to do her work. She meddles with the monitor, and writes down the vitals on the sheet of paper. She begins unplugging everything, and gently grabs hold on his arm where the IV is in, "You're getting discharged already," she says as she rips the medical tape from the skin, and quickly slides the needle out. She places a cotton ball right over the small beed of blood, and holds it tight to secure it with tape. Then she begins to put everything back in their place.

"Your doctor should come in soon to give you a last check up before he signs the discharge form." He nods in understanding, and continues to watch as she write stuff down.

"After you're discharged, someone will come in and give you the phone numbers to the therapists that you may want to contact for therapy," she pockets the blue pen in the pocket of her scrubs and peeks up at him from the clipboard. A small smile appears on her lips, "I'm sorry this happened to you, it must be hard but at least you have your husband there to help you through these hard times." She begins to walk over to the door, "Just hang in there okay?" she says after she pulls the door open and disappears behind it. Jimin doesn't even have a chance to correct her and tell her that he's not married.

When she's gone, the door is pulled open yet again. A mop of pink and purple hair appears, followed by a small 4 foot tall little girl with her hair in two little buns, a small bouquet of daisies in her hand, and then Yoongi comes into view. They make their way inside the spacious room. Yoongi sets down a duffel bag on the counter and then walks over to stand next to the bed, "Good morning sunshine, " he says as he places a gentle kiss on the crown of his head, "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm sore," he says honestly. The soreness is not from his injury but rather from laying in bed for so long without being able to move his limbs without having the nurses rushing inside and telling him to go back to bed.

"Are you ready to go home?" he asks. The little girl with the bouquet perks up at that, a radiating smile appears on her face before she runs up to the bed where Jimin is sitting up, her eyes are wide before she asks if Jimin is going home with them.

Jimin freezes for a moment, takes a second to look at Yoongi and the look on his face is enough to know. "I sure am," he smiles and soon enough, the young girl is climbing over the bed to hug him, she presses her chubby cheek on his own, and let's out a deep sigh.

"HyeJin-ah, you're gonna hurt him, please get off of Jiminie-oppa," the teenager who Jimin's grown fond of says, he lips are pressed in a small pout, she looks awfully similar to Yoongi back when they were in college and Jimin can't help but smile.

"It's alright, I'm okay," he pats the little girl on her head, "Hye Jin, do you still want to learn how to dance?" he asks.

The rooms falls silent.

Yoongi gives him a look that pretty much asks what he means, Jimin just waves him off telling him not to worry. The little girl gasps before nearly jumping three feet in the air, "Really?!" She looks over at Yoongi, then back at Hye Rin, then she turns to Jimin, "Really!?"

"Since I can't dance for myself anymore, I thought about maybe teaching little boys and little girls like you," he says. "I have a little money earned, I'm sure i can find a small place to start off and see how it goes," he sees Yoongi smiling proudly, he feels his hand being held tightly and he gives him a little squeeze back.

"Wouldn't you want to be my first student?" the little girl nods frantically, her smile widening across her face. One of her little buns is beginning to fall apart from nodding so hard, so Jimin reaches over to fix it tenderly.

"So..." Yoongi begins, "Does that mean you're coming with us to Canada?"

"Yup, unless you don't want me to?" he jokes.

"Of course I do," he responds.

They hear a soft knock on the door and a man with a white beard and a pristine white coat walks in, "Okay Mr. Park, seems like you're doing pretty well," he smiles when the little girl says he is indeed doing fine. 

"Then, you're all ready to go." He smiles as he signs the paper, and gets Jimin to sign just beside him, "I'll just give these papers to the front desk and you should be able to leave."

"Thank you," they all say in unison.

"It was my pleasure, I wish you well in the future," and with that, he's out the door.

A nurse comes in soon after and hands them a thick stack of papers, probably all the information about everything they found and what procedures they did. Jimin's just hands it to Yoongi who stuffs it in his bag.

"Okay, let's get you dressed and go home," Yoongi says.

Once he's changed into a clean, comfortable outfit, he takes one last looks around the room and sighs. 

He feels Yoongi's hand entangle between his own before they shut the door silently. 

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