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11:45 AM

Yoongi shifted to hold out his hand, but the man stayed on the floor, his eyes fixated on his bandaged foot.

He rolled his eyes when he learned that the bright pink haired man wasn't going to accept the help so instead he stood up and straightened out his clothes.

"What the hell was that dude?"

That voice.

"Are you trying to fucking ruin my practice?"

Yoongi was certain he'd heard that voice before.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were overdoing it. The music was too loud for me to yell so I thought it would be better if I just turned it off... but it seems like I was wrong. I'm sorry for bothering you." Yoongi said nonchalantly. He couldn't mistake that voice anywhere, not even after five years, of course, it had to be Jimin.

"What makes you think you have any say in how I do things huh?" The guy—Jimin, said in a stern voice, then shot straight up on his feet and glared at him.

"Well, hello there to you too. It's nice to see you again, Jimin-ah"

Jimin blinked several times, head cocked to the side as he furrowed his brows in mild confusion.

"H-how do you know my name?"

At that, Yoongi couldn't help but be confused himself. Was Jimin playing dumb? Well, two can play that game.

"Oh, Mr. Bang told me," Yoongi smirked.

"Oh, I see. Okay, mhmm he didn't tell me anyone was coming to see me today," Jimin said quietly, probably talking to himself more than Yoongi.

"Who are you again?"

"Min Yoongi, the new musician for the Academy," he said triumphantly, yeah. That would be enough to remind him of who he is.

"Oh, okay. Nice to meet you Min Yoongi-ssi, umm... Do you mind getting out? I gotta keep practicing and I feel kind of uncomfortable with you here," Jimin asked, a small smile playing on his full lips.


Yoongi looked at him with utter shock, was he joking right now?

Did he really not remember him?

Well, it kind of made sense though. He left without a word and never bothered to keep in touch with anyone.

What the hell did he expect?

'Oh hey Yoongi , it's nice to see you after 5 long ass years of no contact, let's be friends again!'

Yeah right.

But then again, it was Jimin who cheated on him. Not that it had anything to do with the sudden decision of moving all across the earth, (but he did still hold a grudge about it) Of course it wasn't Jimin's fault that they had lost contact with each other.

After all, the now 25 year old did text him at least 5 times a day after he moved. He texted him and called him claiming that he was the best thing to ever happen to hi and how much he still loved him even though Yoongi never bothered to reply. The texts stopped after a year when he changed phone numbers. But even so, Jimin still liked his posts on the internet and his friends constantly asked about his whereabouts. So of course, it wasn't fair to lay all the blame on the younger. If Yoongi were to give him a grade for his effort he would give him an A+, that's for sure.

"Oh yeah, sorry for interrupting. Take care of yourself Jimin-ssi," Yoongi said in disappointment. He didn't even once think about meeting Jimin again, even less that he would meet him here of all places.

But the fact that the young man had actually forgotten who he was, that was just too much.

Yoongi turned around and walked to the door, his feet feeling a bit too heavy, and before he walked through, he turned back around to see Jimin already standing to get back in position.

He let out a bitter laugh.

So much for being the love of his life.

12:00 PM

Yoongi slammed the door as he left, and Jimin was finally able to breathe properly.

After getting himself together, he stood straight up, stretching himself once before rehearsing the spins all over again.


As he stormed out of the building, Yoongi bumped into another body bringing him back to reality. He looked up to be greeted by someone all too familiar... As he was about to say something, the person beat him to it and muttered a short 'sorry' followed by a smile. Yoongi was left with his mouth hanging open as he watched the man disappear into the hallway, and into the room he had just come out of.

"Seems like nobody remembers me after all," he sighed, tucking his hands in his pockets and pushing the exit door open.

12:10 PM

"Hey! I brought you lunch and your jacket," Jimin yelped at Hoseok's loud outburst, he was almost jogging in his direction, plastic bags hanging from his right hand, and his denim jacket hanging over his shoulder.

"You didn't have to Hobi, aren't you sleepy? You worked a 16 hour shift last night," Jimin met him in the middle of the room, taking the food from him and walking together to sit by the bench that was at the back of the room.

"I'm okay, I'm off tonight, I'll live," Hoseok smiled adoringly as he began to take out the containers of BBQ chicken and set them on the floor.

"T-thank you hyung," Jimin returned the smile, plopping down on his bottom and sitting cross legged in front of Hoseok. They ate and exchanged small talk about how his choreography was coming along and how Hoseok should find a better paying job other than working overnight shifts at a rehab facility.

It's nice, Jimin thought.

Sharing a home with Hoseok was nice.

Sharing his meals with Hoseok was also nice.

But being able to share his passion and love for dance was the nicest thing of all.

Hoseok understood him, he understood him better than anyone did.

He understood because he had once shared the same dream as him.

He understood because he knew all too well the amount of work, dedication and sacrifices that came with having a love as grand as Jimin had for ballet.

He also knew the risks of having such dream too.

He just understood, that's why Jimin was thankful to have his company for the last 4 years.

8:55 PM

Hoseok stuck around for the rest of the day, he watched intently when Jimin started dancing, he made sure that he took care of his feet well enough to prevent any future injuries too.

He applauded every time he landed gracefully and cheered him on when he made small mistakes.

Hoseok watched him with genuine love and admiration, all the while wishing that he didn't have to just watch.

9:15 PM

Hoseok and Jimin went home, together.

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