9.7K 684 205

March 27, 2021
Seoul, South Korea
10:20 AM

Yoongi woke up to the sun shining through the blinds and kissing his skin gently, he lazily opened his eyes and lifted a hand to clean the crusty junk on the corner of his eyes and let out a dragged out yawn.

He looked up and saw that his sister was still asleep, looking as peacefully as ever.

He heard a knock on the door, forcing him to lift the covers off of him and sit up to answer it.

" G'morning Yoongs," Jason was dressed rather casually today. A pair of black sweatpants, a white t-shirt, a baseball cap and some adidas.

Yoongi let him in, and headed to the kitchen to start the coffee machine while he got ready for work.

Real work.

Yesterday he only went to the academy to arrange his studio, and to get acquainted with the place and the people he'd be working with from now on. Thankfully, he didn't even see a strand of pink hair through out the time he was there.

He hopes today is the same.

He took a shower and got dressed in less than 30 minutes and filled up a mug with black coffee. He made sure he had his MacBook, and his messenger bag, then grabbed his phone from the charger.

Before he left, he double checked that Jason knew what to do and how to take care of Hye Jin and what to make her for breakfast. Of course, Jason only laughed and pushed him out of the suite since he already knew how to do it. (He's been doing in for the past years)

He kissed the sleeping child on the cheek, then ran out of the door and down to the elevator. He checked his phone, and the digital numbers read 10:55 AM.

He didn't have a specific time to get to work, but he believed that the sooner he got there, the more progress he'd make with his project.

According to Mr. Bang, Yoongi would have to go around and ask some students if they needed help, and also attend some rehearsals for the dancers that were auditioning for a play.

He tapped his foot impatiently until the elevator came to a stop in the lobby. He literally ran outside, and waited for a cab to pull up.

He'd make sure to call one ahead of time from now on, noticing that he wasn't having any luck picking one up.

After a long 15 minute wait outside, he was finally able to catch a taxi and told the driver where he needed to go.

The ride was long and the traffic wasn't moving not even an inch. The taxi driver tried to make conversation while they waited, and asked if he was a dancer at the academy. Of course, Yoongi laughed.

"No, no, no! I don't dance, at all!" He shook his head. The driver then asked what he was doing there if he wasn't a dancer, and Yoongi told him 'I'm composing their music'.

The driver then joked and said that Yoongi certainly didn't look like a dancer, and made him laugh cause he was damn right.

The light conversation was enjoyable and without knowing it, they arrived. Yoongi thanked him and made sure to tip him generously. Then ran towards the double glass doors, and down the hallway, taking a right and opening the door to his studio.

He checked his phone and it was almost 12:30. He sighed and took out his laptop to set it on the desk. As he waited for it to turn on, he started taking out some papers, a few pens and his soundproof Sony headphones.

When it turned on, a rather large amount of notifications started popping up on the screen. Most of them were spam but some were from people he knew in the U.S. and others were from work.

He sat down on the chair, and clicked on the envelope icon, making the internet window open up and reveal countless emails in his inbox.

He clicked on the one that were from the people he knew and saved them under a folder to read them later, then he clicked on the emails that were from Mr. Bang and some from the instructors he met the day before. Some of them were informative emails on schedules and when it would be best for him to go and observe. Others were video clips of the students that might need help with the music for their piece, and only a few were full length performances of the top dancers, which the instructors swore that Yoongi needed to see to get to know them so he would be able to help them better.

He clicked on a video with the name of Romeo_JulietAct1.file and watched the dancers with hawk-like eyes. The way they moved so effortlessly, and the emotion they portrayed with only their eyes. His eyes landed on a dark haired figure who jumped so high up in the air that it looked like he was flying, and then landing gracefully without any issues.

After watching that video, he pressed on another one which was of the students stretching their limbs and doing basic exercises for their toes.

He exited that video, and clicked on yet another one.

This one in particular was of a male in black tights, he wasn't able to tell who it was since the video was lower quality and recorded from the other side of the room, the male was also facing away from the camera. When the video showed the dancer lift up his arm and tilt his head to the side, Yoongi noticed that it was probably the same guy from the first video. He was still unsure of who he was but Yoongi believed that he must have be one of the best students if even he, himself, someone that had never shown any interest in dance, was able to be mesmerized by his movements.

Yoongi watched with awe, the way he moved was just out of this world and Yoongi found himself feeling inspired and wanting to create beautiful music for artists as talented such as this boy.

When the climax of the video was coming down, the male sprinted to one side of the room and then to the other side, toes barely touching the wooden floor, he jumped in the air and spiraled once, twice and almost thrice without touching the floor, on the third spin, his knee didn't seem to cooperate with his body, and unfortunately wasn't able to land properly, sending his body crashing onto the hard floor.

The person recording can be heard standing up, running to the side of the dancer, and setting the camera on the ground while he helped him up.

'Shit, Jimin are you okay?'

'I'm fine! S-stop, let me go... I've gotta get that part right!'

'No, you need to rest. Let me take a look at thi- Oh my god, fuck! See I fucking told you! It's looks sprained again,-'

'I'm fine hyung! Just let me do it!'

'No, shut up! I'm taking you to the hospital, you gotta get this checked,'

'Hobi I'm fine,'

'Whatever let's go,'

The camera was then picked up and turned off.

Yoongi was left staring at the black screen with wide eyes, and his mouth slightly agape.

Why does everything always come down to Park Jimin?

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