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NotTheGoddess Dear Buzzfeed didn't know that my love life was such a major news worthy topic or that I should be looking to a fake news network, like yourself, for relationship advice

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Dear Buzzfeed didn't know that my love life was such a major news worthy topic or that I should be looking to a fake news network, like yourself, for relationship advice.
The fact that all I said was that I gotta find myself a man like Lin-Manuel Miranda, wasn't me trying to make any advances on the man, it was a joke. You know like what your organization is.
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username DAMN the queen be roaring buzzfeed over here!!!

username Buzzfeed is a such a joke! So happy that ppl are starting to call them out

username still kinda ship Lin & Athena tho....

username ^^^^same

leavecaricealone don't listen to those silly people honey. Remember us GOT family members got your back ❤

sohpiet they are idiots! You don't need a man anyways since you got me (;

username two types of people leavecaricealone sophiet

username seriously want Sansa & Dani to meet in GOT! That girl power would be awesome!!!

NotTheGoddess thanks love, you're so sweet. Can't wait to start filming again with you <3 leavecaricealone

NotTheGoddess you know it babe, you're my one and only 😘 sophiet

username Sophie and Athena are such #friendgoals

leslieodomjr well this is just awkward then. Guess I have to tell Lin that his celeb crush doesnt like him. Such a shame, he was so excited about that tweet...

username leslieodomjr WHAT!?!?!?!

username I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory.....Athena is Lins celebrity crush!!!!!!!

username HOLY SHIT IS THIS TRUE!?!?! leslieodomjr

username is this what happiness feels like?

NotTheGoddess ........ leslieodomjr

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