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Girls were jealous, boys were on her feet, teachers adored her, the principal had her as the apple of his eye. She was so fucking perfect no one could ignore her. They all wanted to be her friend.

She had everything. She was rich. She was smart. She had the perfect nose, eyes, ears, even toes. Her smile swept everyone off their feet. Not a single boy in school haven't fallen in love with her. Not a single girl wasn't jealous from her.

She had it all. She lived with her father. She had maids. She had a penthouse. She was an only child with all her father's love only towards her with no one to share it with her.

Married women would sheild their men away from her. Girlfriends would feel insecure about their boyfriends leaving them for her.

But that didn't mean she didn't use it in her advantage. Her father was always at work so he can restrain himself from doing a sin, so he never saw her.

What he didn't know was, she used that abstract of a body to get into clubs, to have free drinks, to get whatever she desires. Her body got her everything. Whenever a bar or club would know that Aphrodite was coming, all the men would prepare everything to get her to sleep with them, whether they were 30 or 50 years old and they would go bragging on how many times they slept her, how many times they made her scream their names.

Just like a game, she treated herself. She got everything and anything she wants. But the question remains unawnsered.


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