Mushy feeling

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         Rosen enters the class, his jean jacket laying over his shoulder, his hair up in an unruly way and his cheeks are flushed with colour, matching his suprisingly amazing white complexion.

        You can say he was fashionably late.

       He had one job, and that job started the moment he laid his eyes on the so-called beautiful girl, and to say he was astonished, would be the understatement of the year.

        She was a fucking living aphrodisiac.

       Rosen, rosen, rosen, you just did not get distracted you fool boy.

       He sucked in his breath and straightened his back, walking towards the empty desk that's conveniently next to the beautiful girl, obviously not noticing the other girls pouting as he sat next to the beautiful girl.

       She looked at him, and let's just say, she was feeling funny. She thought he was so pretty, enough for her to start talking, breaking her own rules.

      One boy wouldn't do a thing, it's just one boy.

      And oh god how wrong was she.

      "New student?" She asks him with a tilt of a head and a perfect raised eyebrow, and he just couldn't breathe. So he ignored her.

       Wow, someone just ignored her, is he blind?

       "Um excuse me, I am talking to you." She says clearing her throat, her face flushing as he looked over to her, glancing over her form.

        Oh god, what the bloody hell is happening in my stomach? She thought as butterflies swarmed her stomach.

       "Yes, and I hope you stop asking me questions." He grunts and she felt goosebumps over her arm.

        Holy fuck, his voice is so hypnotizing.

      "If you're so pissed, you can feel free to fuck off." She tells him, trying to act as it she's not withered.

       "I like it here very much, thanks." He tells her and the teacher enters.

        He's disagreeing with her, something no one did. So when you have everything but a thing, what do you do?

       Ruin everything to get that thing.

      And that was her plan. Nobody defies Aphrodite.

       But little did she know...

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