Dead Brother

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And finish fast did he. If anyone told Rosen that two weeks later, Aphrodite would be splayed on his lap and watching a movie together, like an ole fucking happy couple, he would have laughed straight at you.

It was just a matter of time before he finishes her plan. she has already confessed her attraction to him after he got her flowers and some chocolate, to make up for his mistake at the ball.

i didn't mean it, dite, i was really drunk. That was his fucking excuse, and she fucking accepted and kissed him and took him back with open arms.

   Rosen couldn't help and think something was wrong. Not that he was complaining, but Aphrodite was just any girl you could fool with some goddamn flowers and an excuse worse than the action.

    She couldn't be that in love with him, could she? It's been just over 2 months, and this is Aphrodite we're gonna talking about, she doesn't even date or stay with boys that long.

    then you thank the heaven you little fucked and get done with your plan for gods sake.

"Rosen?" Aphrodite says, cutting of his train of thoughts. He hums in response.

"You're going to stay here tonight?" she asks.

"yes, I mean if you want me to." He says.

"i want you to." she whispers and he looks at her.

At times like this, she's just a little girl called Aphrodite and he's just a silly boy called Rosen, both in love with each other, with no hidden fueds or revenge plans between them.

With no dead brother to avenge.

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