The End

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    Rosen sat silently, gripping the steering wheel, trying to concentrate on anything but Aphrodite's questioning eyes, looking at him softly, feeling giddy about the thing he's going to show her.

    "Let me tell you a little story, dite." Rosen says, and Aphrodite nods.

     "Once upon a time, there was this little girl, she was nice, everyone loved her, everyone wanted to be her friend. Even every boy wanted to be her boyfriend.

     But for some reason, that girl never dated anyone, she just didn't, and no one knew why.
But that didn't stop a certain boy from courting her and asking her to be his girlfriend. Surprisingly, she said yes." Rosen says and notices how Aphrodite tenses as they stop by the cemetery. He takes her by the hand and walks with her till a certain grave.

   Nate Daniel Archer

  loved brother and son

gone but never forgotten


    Rosen looks at Aphrodite, looks at how stoic her face is, how he can't see any regret, how he can't see her mourning over her supposed boyfriend. That's when the ticking bomb has left him.

     "My name is Rosen Archer, and this was my twin brother you killed, and I got you here so he can see your heart break just like you let his break, maybe then he would stop feeling sad about a pathetic person like you." Rosen says and Aphrodite gasps, her eyes finally welling up with tears.

    "You mean all these weeks, you never even liked me?" Aphrodite says, teardrops falling from her eyes.

    "No, I didn't and I will never like a vile creature as you, you, Aphrodite, are the most disgusting person I'be ever seen, your beauty isn't going even to make up for it. So fuck you, and your body, and your whole being." Rosen spits and every word feels like a knife going through her heart.

    Rosen looks one last time at her being down on the floor, crying her heart out, next to his brother's grave  and finally leaves with a shattered heart and an avenged brother.


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