My Rose

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When I landed, I was surprised to see no other dragons at the finish line. I got off Rose and looked around confused.

“That was some fast flying little lady!” the starter said running toward me.

“Um… Thanks, but where is everyone else?” The Starter laughed and I tilled my head in confusion.

“Probably trying not to get their faces burned off!” He said chuckling. I tilted my head not getting it.

“Idiot you won.” A voice from behind us said. I smiled and turned around.

“Axe…” My smile faded when I saw Axel. His clothes and bits of his hair were burnt. He was gingerly holding his right arm. I started running toward him, when the starter stopped me.

“Hey wait, take this.” He handed me two slips of paper.

“What’s this?” I said looking down at the small notes.

“It’s proof that you won. The second one is for your friend, since he’s runner up. Give this to the guy in the check in booth and he’ll give you your reward.” I nodded my head in gratitude and began running again.

“Axel! Are you okay? I said finally catching up to him. I checked out his arm, but he pulled it away before I could get a real look at it.

“I’m fine.” He said clenching his jaw.

“Yea, and I’m King Seb.” Axel never liked getting help from anyone and it made me sad that he hardly ever let me help him. “C’mon you need to rest.” I put my arm around his waist and he winced a little, but didn’t move away. I placed him under a big willow tree where his dragon and mine were resting. I took a look at Knight, but under the night sky it was hard to tell if he was badly injured or not. “I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” He said grabbing the back of my shirt. I turned my head and gave a small smile. His emerald eyes looked up at me. It was rare times like these that made Axel look so childlike and so… alone.

“I’m just going to get our winnings don’t worry I’ll be back I promise.” I started heading to the check in booth.

“Number one eh, nice job.” The check in man said handing me my earnings. I counted the pentts.

“Only 800 pentts? What good is that?”

“I’m sorry little lady, but all the big money is being saved for a major double race in two weeks.” A double race was when dragons had to fly in the sky and run on land.

“How much are the winnings?” I asked curious.

“I heard the grand prize is over 200,000 pentts and something greater than any amount of money.”

“What is it?” I said growing more eager to find out.

“Haven’t got a clue.”

“Oh… Well thanks anyways.” I sighed and walked away.

“Hey! That money should be mine!” I looked up from the ground to see the fat man, stalking towards me in a speedy pace.

“I won this fair and square!” I said hiding a few pentts in my pocket.

“If it wasn’t for that damn brat I would have been the winner.”

“That ‘damn brat’ is my best friend! And because of you he’s hurt!” I said meeting his vicious gaze.

“Well then,” he grunted. “Maybe I should give you a couple a bruises to match his.” Before I could say anything or move, I felt his hand make contact with my right cheek. The impact echoed throughout the clearing and any racers still hanging around stopped and watched with awe. I spat in his face out of furry and it wasn’t until after I had done it that I knew I was in trouble. His eyes narrowed and his fist clenched. With one hand he was able to lift me up by my sweater. I closed my eyes waiting for another hit.

It never came. Instead I felt myself being thrown back. I opened my eyes to see Rose hovering over the man. She screeched at him and fear struck through the man. Her nostrils flared and she snarled at him. I couldn’t help but smile. My Rose had come to my rescue. A loud gunshot was heard and my head snapped to the source of the noise.

“Now that’s enough!” The starter was furious and it showed in his face. I called Rose over and she gave one last growl before limping over to me. “If its money you want sir go find it elsewhere. And you little lady, take your dragon and leave.” I nodded and hurried off with Rose.

When I reached the willow tree, Axel was fast asleep. I sighed in relief knowing that I could wait till tomorrow to explain the bruise that had formed on my face. It took all the strength I had to get his body securely on Rose’s back. I didn’t want to ride Knight because I didn’t know how bad his injuries were. I was about to get on Rose when the check in man ran toward me.

“Here take this.” He said panting.

“What is it?” I said looking at the strange plant he handed me.

“It’s fenn. It’s good for healing, works on people n’ dragons.” I smiled and gave the man a hug.

“Thank you.” I said breaking away from him. He smiled back at me.

“No problem.” I climbed onto Rose and rested Axel’s limp body against me. I turned back and waved at the man as we flew off. He tipped his tattered hat at us and slowly walked back into the darkness. 


I Hoped You all enjoyed Chapter 4! Comment and tell me what you think. Last night my brother's friend slept over and I didn't know it. So when I saw some random guy i started to freak out. (This was all happening in the dark so you can see where I'm coming from.) And this morning when I got a good look at him I was like DAMN! He can sleep over anytime he wants ;p STAY AWESOME! Fun Fact: In Arizona, hunting camels is prohibited.

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