Sorry I Don't Speak Girl

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Going home was the hardest part.

My eyes were so sore from crying that when I did finally make it to my own bed; I couldn’t even budge them open. Of course my mom was worried when she saw me, but I managed to muster up something about hay fever and surprisingly she let it slide…For now at least. The next day my mom got a phone call from Axel’s parents. Apparently he never came home last night, so they were contacting classmates of his to get some information. Eventually they called the police, only to be told that a lot of people have recently gone missing and they’re doing their best to find them. My heart almost broke in two when my mom had to sit me down and tell me that Axel was gone. And I had to pretend I didn’t know.


I sat in Mr. Silk’s classroom a week later still moping about the situation and wondering how my other piers could discuss the upcoming DR games while their ‘idol’ has gone missing. I mean they were worried the first couple of days, but like all drama something ‘juicier’ comes up. I sighed and waited for Mr. Silk to walk in.

“You can’t honestly be still upset about Axel. I mean he was only your neighbor…right?” May asked while obnoxiously shoving her head in front of my view. I lifted my chin from the desk and sighed.

“Right. And I’m not upset just a little… concern. You know for the amount of people gone missing recently.” Just then Mr. Silk walked in only hearing my final words. And because he hates me he just had to say something to make my blood boil.

“Miss Fox, what did I say about making up stories?” He didn’t even care to look at me. He just went straight to his desk and prepared today’s workload. May gave me a don’t-start-anything- look before going back to her seat. Too late, he already did.

“But how can you say that when one of your own students have gone missing?” At that exact moment everyone had shut up. They all wanted to hear what the only girl brave enough to question the cruel and fat Mr. Silk. A grin formed on my face when he froze. “What’s this? For once the-oh-so wise Mr. Silk is speechless.  You all are.” I said turning my head to the class. “You all sit here and gossip, but has it once ever crossed your self-centering minds that instead of Axel, you were the one taken?” I paused. No one said anything. I turned back to Mr. Silk who was looking down at his brief case as if it were a bomb. “You’re right Mr. Silk, It’s time to stop pretending. To stop making up stories and start realizing that there is a war coming. And you can choose to be prepared for it or live in false ignorance.”

“You’re wrong Miss Fox, I do have something to say.” He cleared his throat and I thought for once his bald head wasn’t filled with just blubber and what flavor doughnut he’s going to eat after class. But I was wrong and he was probably thinking of Boston cream pie. “Principal’s office NOW!” He said pulling back the extra chubs of skin into an awful crocked smile. “And anyone who feels the same way can join Miss Fox.” I turned around to see May poking her brother to get up.

“Come On Fang lets…Go!” She said pulling on his arm.

“Nnnooo…” he whispered shaking his head vigorously. She whispered something in his ear and he lifted his head. “You wouldn’t dare!” He said a little too loudly. She smiled wickedly and followed me out the door. I could hear him groan and push his chair back before catching up to us.

We sat in the office for what seemed like forever until one of the secretaries came and told us that the principal was in an important meeting and we were free to go. As I left I saw a woman and her husband through the office window. They both looked like they haven’t slept in days. And it didn’t take a genius to figure out whose student belonged to them. My question, Why now? Why not a week ago? Had they found Axel and were…too late? I shook my head. I couldn’t fill my head with questions of what could have and what might be happening to Axel.

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