Underground Racing

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I quietly opened my classroom door and quickly sat in my seat while the teacher was writing on the board.

“Miss Fox, you’re late, care to explain?” Mr. Silk didn’t even turn around once when questioning me.

“Sir, I could give you an elaborate and reasonable excuse, but I don’t want to waste your time with an explanation.” He sighed and I knew I was off the hook.

“Just make sure to be on time tomorrow.” He returned to his desk to look at some notes and then started writing again. “As you all know Seb was founded by the great King Seb himself. After a harsh, brutal war we finally won this great territory. Can anyone tell me how long the war lasted?” he said turning to the class

“Thirty six years.” Milo, the small boy that sat behind me, said.

“Correct!” I raised my hand something has been on my mind and every adult I’ve turned to so far hasn’t answered it.

“Sir,” I said when he noticed me. “Instead of talking about the Great War everyone knows about, do you mind discussing the upcoming war?” Peoples’ eyes widened and I knew I was hitting a taboo subject.

“There is no war Miss Fox.” He tried to end the conversation, but I wasn’t giving in that easily.

“But Sir, there have been rumors of towns being destroyed near the South borders!”

 “You shouldn’t believe everything you hear. Now this discussion is over.” Like hell it is!

“But what about the missing people! It’s not just near the borders, people are disappearing all over the place and no one is doing anything about it! How can we just sit here and pretend nothing is happening!?!”

“Luna Fox! You were already late today do you want a detention too? I may not know who is feeding you this foolish nonsense, but you listen here, there will be no more talk of this “war” and if I hear you speak about it to anyone, your butt will be in detention for a week and no excuses! And that goes for anyone else who believes in this tomfoolery!” He finished off by giving almost everyone a harsh glare and returned to writing. “Silent note taking for the rest of class, due to Luna’s poor listening skills.” There were groans of annoyance heard throughout the class room, but eventually it died down and the rest of the period went by fairly quickly.

“Hey! Wait!” I heard someone shout behind me. I saw May, one of my best friends, run out of the classroom. Her name was ironic to her looks. She had icy blue eyes and a pale complexion. Her long, ash colored hair swayed as she ran.

“Hi May.” I smiled at her and we walked to our next class together.

“That was some stunt you pulled back there.” She said impressed.

“I just wanted some answers, yet no one seems to be giving me any.” I sighed.

“Yea instead you caused the class complete boredom for an hour,” I turned to my left to see Fang, May’s twin brother and another one of my friends, had caught up to us. He looked exactly like his sister, except you know in guy form, so shorter hair and more muscular. “Nice going by the way.” He sarcastically said then gave me a little shove.

Unfortunately for me, I was pushed a little too hard and I head butted into someone’s chest. Rubbing my head, I looked up to see surprised emerald green eyes. I stepped back.

“Sorry.” I said softly and turned to my friends.

“OH MY G-D YOU SPOKE TO AXEL!!!” May screamed when we were far enough away. Fang and I just rolled our eyes. Axel was the “It” guy. Almost every girl wanted him and almost every guy wanted to be him. He had sandy blond hair, tan skin, and an award winning smile.

“It was more like crashed into him, thanks to Fangus here.”

“Hey! What did I say about saying my full name in public!” Fang hated his full name and I didn’t blame him. It sounds ridiculous.

“Yea it’s too bad we had to leave so quickly damn sluts always get in the way.” May said annoyed.

“May!” I said shocked

“What? I mean who hems their skirt that short? If I wanted to see some girl’s underwear I would have gone to a strip club.”

“May!” I shouted a little. Fang couldn’t stop laughing. I shook my head and we entered our next class.

The rest of the day seemed to go by fairly slow, which was killing me because by the end of my last period I couldn’t stop staring at the clock. When school finally ended I ran straight home. I went into my room and packed clothes for tonight and the next day. I was so excited for tonight that I couldn’t stop smiling. I changed into a pair of shorts and a thin long sleeve hoodie.

“Mama, is it okay to sleep over at friend’s house tonight?” I said coming down the stairs in a rush. She took one glance at me and smiled.

“Considering that you’re all packed and ready to go, I don’t see why not. Have fun and do be careful.”

“Thank you! And I will” I said excitedly. I gave her a quick hug and ran out the door once again. I headed for the clearing and Rose. When I finally made it to the grey barn Rose wasn’t in there. So I began looking near the lake and when she wasn’t there I started thinking, ‘where could something so big be hiding?’ I heard an immense cry from above me and I smiled.

“Hello Rose!” I shouted as she swooped down from the sky. She landed gracefully next to me. She knelt as climbed onto her back. Before I was safely on she took off into the blue. “Whoa!” I said holding onto the back of her neck. When I was secure enough she began flying higher and my cheeks reddened as the cool wind whipped against my face. I held on tighter as she spiraled through the air. We stayed in the sky for a good hour before returning back to earth.  When we landed I saw another dragon in the field. He was almost all black with a dark grey under belly. He had two big horns on the top sides of his head and one small one in the center. He had spikes along his back that got smaller and smaller as it reached his tail. He had blazing orange eyes, a tough build, and strapping wings.

“Knight!” I shouted as I got off Rose and headed to him. I petted the smoother side of his neck. “Hey boy,” I smiled. “You obviously didn’t get here on your own so where’s your rider?”

“Boo!” a voice from behind me said. I turned around and my smile grew.

“Oh there you are, Axel.” He grinned.

“There are like four hundred kids in our school, how is it you still manage to bump in to me?”

“Sorry about that I got pushed.”

“Yea, well we can’t associate together in school and you know that.” Axel thought it would look to suspicious if we suddenly hung out in public. I think he’s just being paranoid.

“It was an accident it won’t happen again.”

“Good, then let’s go I don’t want to be late.” We both got on our dragons and flew. I felt my blood rushing as we got closer and closer to our destination. Tonight we were going underground racing. 


Hey I hope you guys enjoyed chapter two. It seems a little long to me for a second chapter, but it doesnt bother me that much any way STAY AWESOME!

Fun Fact: A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't.

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