Can I touch your hair?

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When I got home, I started to head for my room when my mother stopped me. She looked angry and I knew I was in trouble. My mother hardly ever gets angry, but when she does I know all hell will break loose.

“Luna dear, we need to talk.”

“Yes mama,” I said looking innocently up at her. She opened her mouth to speak when she noticed the bruise on my cheek.

“Where did you get that?” she said pointing to my face. I sighed.

“I fell out of tree,” I lied. It became a second nature to me after I started racing.

“What were you doing in a tree?” she inquired.

“Trying to get an apple of course,” she shook her head.

“Silly child.” And with that I knew I was off the hook.

“Well if that’s all, I’m going to be in my room.” I said turning my heel and heading up stairs.

“Not so fast young lady.” I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Her arms were folded across her chest and her foot was tapping. “Your teacher called,” Oh great what did he want now.

“Did he? What did he say?”

“He said that you’ve been spreading lies about an upcoming war. And he’s worried that it might affect the other classmates.” I narrowed my brows.

“You agree with him?” her eyes were filled with concern.

“Well honey, there is no war you-“

“NO War!?!” I said cutting her off. “So where’s dad then? Because if there wasn’t anything going on, then he would be here and not on some stupid mission near the border!” My mother didn’t respond. She just looked at me with sad eyes. And then I said something that I regretted the moment it came out of my mouth. “His letters have stopped coming, and it’s only a matter of time before they tell us he’s never coming home.” I couldn’t face my mother afterwards and I just ran to my room.


Two weeks had passed and I hadn’t spoken to Axel or my mother. If it’s one thing I’m good at it’s being stubborn. Rose and my friends have noticed the sudden mood drop, but nothing they say or do have brought my spirits back up again.

“Hey, Luna are you okay?” Fang asked me. In fact, he had been asking me that entire week.

“Yea Fang, I’m fine.” I said giving him a small reassuring smile.

“I know what will cheer you up!” May said excited. I gave her a curious look as to why she was so hyper so early in the morning. “We got invited to Jamerson’s party! And we are so going!” I sighed. I used to like parties, but that was before kids decided that drinking alcohol and making out with complete strangers was a party. Not to mention the ridiculously over played music and guys trying to hump everything on the dance floor.

“No,” Fang said nudging his sister. “Is to apologize to her mom.” Fang was right. And besides two weeks is too long not to talk to your mom.

“Fang’s right and there’s only two reasons you would want to go to Jamerson’s house, to rebel against your parents orders or if there’s a hot guy going.” She looked at me shocked.

“Wow you really do know me. And yes I already asked my parents if I could go and they said no, so we’re obviously going!”

“Yea I don’t see the point in dragging me along.”

“Nonsense Fang, everybody loves twins so you’re going. And Luna, you’re going too and that’s final.”

“I think about it.” I sighed. She smiled and we all continued walking toward our next class. On our way we saw Axel talking to some girls and May just had to say something about him.

“I wonder if Axel is going to the party.” Fang and I rolled our eyes.

“Who cares, he’s just an arrogant, self-loathing, jerk who thinks he can control everyone.” May looked shocked at my little outburst, while Fang gave me an approval hug.

“Thank you G-d you’ve done something right.” He said squeezing me tighter. I couldn’t help but grin either. We finally made it to class and got all settled down when the teacher came in.

“Luna,” Mr. Silk said clearing his throat. “You’re needed in the office.” He almost looked sad when speaking to me, but I just nodded and grabbed my stuff.

~Axel’s P.O.V.~

I sat down at my usual table and began eating my lunch. A couple of the girls wanted to know if I was going to some party. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued eating lunch. They noticed I wasn’t into conversation at the moment so they just spoke amongst themselves. I was just annoyed, Luna can be stubborn, but she’s going to get herself killed. Why won’t she listen to me?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard one of the girls actually mention Luna. “Yea so, did you hear about that Luna chick?” I directed my gaze toward them.

“I heard her dad was some kind of reporter and he went to the south borders to find out if there really was a war.” I furrowed my brows Luna’s dad was no reporter. I was the only person Luna ever told the truth to about her dad. He was a skilled spy, even owned a fine dragon. “It’s too bad what happened to him.” she shrugged. “Thankfully it wasn’t my dad.”

“What’s too bad?” I asked, speaking to them the first time today. They both looked at me until one of them finally spoke.

“Well, I heard from Jettison who heard from Maze who heard from Peck who heard from Rayne who was in the office printing papers for Mrs. Olives, when she heard Principal Rayken, who as you know is Blane’s cousin-“ I cleared my throat indicating to get to the point. It gave me a headache just to hear these girls babble about things I don’t give a crap about. “Right sorry, so she said that he was telling Luna that her dad’s news van got attacked by some rebels. They believe the van was bombed.” I stood up, causing my chair to fall backwards. All eyes at the table were now turned up at me, but I didn’t care. I surveyed the lunch room in search of Luna. When I found her friends, but not her I started walking toward them.

“Hey Axel where are you going?” I turned around to see one of the girls walking up to me. She grabbed my hand and lightly tugged in the direction of our table. “Come on sit back down you’re causing a scene.” I shrugged her off and continued walking. I gained a few more stairs along the way.

“Where is she?” I said slamming my hand down on the table causing the two to jump.

“Where’s who?” the girl spoke. I remember Luna mentioning her name a few times it’s some spring month.

“Don’t play games with me April, where is she?” she looked at me confused. Guess April’s not her name. The room grew quiet as students watched what was happening.

“We haven’t seen her since third period.” Her brother spoke. I think his name had something to do with teeth. Toothy…No… Chompers, Chomp…ch… Chip!

“Thanks Chip.” I said not hesitating to leave the lunch room.

“Hey Axel wait!” I heard April call from down the hall. I turned around to see not only her, but her brother trailing behind. When they finally caught up to me they both caught their breath before she spoke again. “Axel, I swear if you hurt her I will not be afraid to hunt you down and cut that pretty little face of yours.” I looked at her confused.

“Shouldn’t he be saying something like that?” I said pointing to Chip. He just shrugged. I turned back to his sister and for few seconds we had a weird standoff. Her hands were crossed and she looked angry, but I could shake the feeling that she was sort of gawking at me.

“Can I touch you,” I took a step back. “I mean maybe just touch your hair.” I looked at her brother. He face palmed and I felt bad for the guy.

“Um…No.” I grinned. “But feel free to stare at my ass as I run away.” I could help, but feed my ego as I ran. My attention was now focused on Luna. I just hope I can get to her before she does anything brash.


Yay Chapter Six is done! Don't really have much to say... It was pretty nice out today...Yea... That's all I got. STAY AWESOME! Fun Fact: An elephant's brain weighs about 6,000 g.

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