Just One Night

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Zayn's P.O.V:-

"Okay!" Liam sighs "call us if anything goes wrong. Feed him right at 8pm- dont give him excess of cookies orelse he wont sleep-" he explains in extremely tensed accent. Its tge same thing everytime we leave chris with someone. Apparently Liam was worried that my sisters are loud and Chris will become more grumpty than he already is... when Safaa eyes brighten on hearing that Chris wont sleep, Liam shaked his head "and get very very annoying... grumpy.. "

"Al'right.. they got this Li" I practically dragged Liam and kissed my baby's head who snapped his head from doniya's arms. "Have fun Chris... We will play tomorrow promise"

Usually Chris would cry but even before he can register Waliyha was scooping him in her arms and baby talking him, already distracting him from us.

"Have fun you two" fizzy hugs me tight and does the same with Liam, urging us to leave. I curled my hand around Liam's waist and guided him out to our car.

"Geez! This is so hard" Liam growls and rest his head on the window, eyeing our big house "I dont want him to trouble the girls"

"I was thinking quite opposite thing. I hope girls dont trouble my only son" I rolled my eyes and started the engine, listening to Liam's fond chuckle.

Just as expected Niall's farm house was about one hour far and massive classy. All the glass doors radiating white lights from inside, a big pool in the backyard where many people were chilling and having drinks. A huge party going on with some soft music, many musicians I know were there, some designer casually getting in a chat with me and Liam.

At first it turned out very busy, many people approaching us and stopping for a chat and that was until Niall got us in his strong and drunk accent scolding us to enjoy our self and fuck work.

Right now I had no idea where Liam fled to because one minute he was beside me and the next long gone. I was about to go in search of him when Louis blocked my way and grinned, his mischievous eyes making my inside growl.

"Searching someone, Malik?" He raised his eyes, obviously knowing the answer.

"Yes! Your handsome Husband" I snorted with a smirk, enjoying Louis' annoying grin drop into a frown "Hazza is looking smashing today"

He stares at me for a second and then comes back his old mischievous grin "his brother aint looking that bad- himself! I mean- helping himself alone at the bar... Geez! He needs company and since your looking for Hazza maybe I sho-"

I walked past him, ignoring his bullshit and rolling my eyes when I heard a loud 'use protection' making the people around look at me with judging eyes. Thanks Louis!

Just as I reached the bar I saw my beautiful husband standing by his own, looking utterly stunning, the way he was sipping his wine and casually looking at people passing, he cant look more appealing.

I slowly walk to him and folds my arms around his waist from back making him jolt a little in surprise.

I rested my chin on his shoulder and smelled his soothing perfume "You look good" I hummed and kissed the side of his neck, feeling goosebumps crawl all over his neck.

"Thank you" he melted in my touch and bought his wine glass upto my lips. I took it from his hand and drank down in one big gulp.

He swinged around and rested his hands on my shoulder, smiling softly at him "I missed this- just two of us" he chuckles shyly and leaned a little back when I leaned in to brush his lips against mine.

"Control Hubby- we are in public"

"Fuck it" I hummed and chased his lips until he gives up and pressed his lips firmly against mine. Kissing me with just as much passion as I was putting in it!!

Colors Of Love♡ -Ziam (B-3)Where stories live. Discover now