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Zayn roughly pulled his car breaks infront of Liam's house. He rushed to Liam's door and impatiently banged the bell, pacing nervously infront of his wooden door.

After few seconds his mother in law angrily opened the door, her anger changing into bits of worry on seeing Zayn.

"Zayn? Honey ho-"

"Where's Liam?" He short cuts her and walks past, already looking for his husband.


"Zayn? What happened honey? Are you o-?"

"Where's Liam?" He asks on the verge of tears "where is he?"


Liam's voice made him snap his face at his direction, by the looks it looked like Liam ran out of the bathroom... water still on his face.

"Liam" Zayn hisses and runs to crash him in a death crushing hug. The hug was surprising so rough that he it suffocated Liam.

"Zee? What happened?" Liam can only ask as he tries to free himself but Zayn's grip only got tight.

"Zayn the baby" Liam grunts and sighs in relief when Zayn quickly back away.

"Come with me" he draws Liam's wrist and drags him towards the door.

"Zayn what's the matter?" Liam demanded, his own heart picking pace "Is Chris okay? Where is my baby Zayn?"

"He is with Jay- you come with me" Zayn tells him and doesn't stop until he is pushing Liam in the car, on his way ignoring whatever Karen, liam' s mom was asking. It was rude but Zayn was in no condition to give a damn.

"Zayn? You're worrying me!! What happened?" Liam asks, his eyes filling tears "you were crying, weren't you?"

Zayn ignores him and starts the engine. After few minutes of driving and listening to Liam's calm breathes Zayn finally could speak "We are going to the hospital" he informs.

"Hospital? Why? Is ever-"

"For Abortion"

Liam's breathe hitched and he painfully gulps, he intensively watches Zayn fingers tremble against the wheel and could physically see that Zayn is breathing roughly.

"Stop the car, Zayn"

"We are aborting this baby Liam" Zayn grunts, his jaw tightening.

"Stop the car, Zayn, please"

Zayn bites his lower lip and shakes his head, his eyes fixed on the road as tears rolled down his cheek.

"You will abort our baby-"

"NO I WON'T!!!" Liam snaps at him "We both know I won't.... Now can you please stop the car and tell what the fuck is wrong?"

Zayn sighs and wipes his tear "I will show you what's wrong" he roughly turns the steering wheel right and changes the path, a path soon heading into woods.

"What is this place? Zee where are we going?"

Zayn kept driving and after 15 minutes he abruptly pulls over a deserted road away.

"Get down" Zayn orders as he opens his door. On realising that Liam made no move to shift he walks upto Liam and opens the door for him.

"Why are we here?" He asks on feeling the chills tingle down his spine. The whole dead vibe making him sick. He examines few wrecked trees but one of them had black burnt oil all over the trunk.

Zayn chuckles and comes from behind. He holds Liam tight and carefully against his chest, his hand very gentle on each side of his stomach. "This is the tree Louis crashed his car into"

Liam gasps and moves back, more into his chest. He digs his fingers in Zayn's arms, knowing very well that this is place where Avan and Louis got in accident- on his wedding day. "W-Why are we here?"  He voice trembles in fear.

"Because I want you to know this place"

"Zee" Liam turns over and caresses Zayn's cheek "take me from here, please" he begs... the whole imagination of Avan dying flashed infront of Liam's eyes and he couldn't shake it off, the whole scenario only making it hard for him to breathe.

"Abort the baby, Li, please" Zayn pleads and grabs both of his hands in his own as hot tears rolled in his eyes "I promise I'll do anything you want- Anything! I will do anything... just dont leave me"

"Zaynie I am not leaving you.. just two mont-"



"DON'T!!!" Zayn snaps when Liam reaches out to touch him "I AM ASKING YOU AGAIN LI! ARE YOU ABORTING THIS BABY OR NOT?"


"Yes or No Liam?"

"For fuck sake Zayn... You have to trust me!"

"Ofcourse I trust you" Zayn caresses Liam's cheek rather harshly "But I dont trust this thing in you"


"Choose me... please" Zayn gets on his knees and grabs both of Liam's hands "Li- I- I will do anything for you!! Choose me... Dont make me go through that torment again"

"Dont make me choose..." Liam cries and caresses his cheek "That's our baby Zayn.... he is almost here..." he pulls Zayn's hand and places it on his stomach.

Zayn's tears freezes in his eyes on feeling something move inside "thats our little baby, Zee" Liam grins with numb eyes "he is gonna love you... more than Chris- trust me!"

Zayn hopefully looks at Liam "I will die without you"

Liam's heart breaks on seeing how much afraid Zayn is to losing him "Zayn..." he begins and kneels infront of him, so that he can knock their foreheads together "I love you too much to leave you, you know?" He curls his hand with Zayn's and pulls it up to kiss his knuckles "Maybe more than Chris"

Zayn weakly chuckles and nods.

"Be with me on this one...... We can do this" Liam continues.

"I won't forgive you if you left me"

"I won't- I promise" Liam allows himself to fall on Zayn and kiss him hard on his lips, moving their lips in the most prefect way possible.

"L-Let's go home" Zayn utters and kisses Liam's forehead before getting up and guiding them towards the car.

During the whole ride Liam repeatedly reminded Zayn about all the reasons why he thinks Zayn is a good Daddy and the best husband he can ask for. With loads of fun and laughter, just the two of them, lifted a lot of burden from his chest.

"And one more thing" Zayn grunts as he opens the door "Stop traveling with Louis!"

Liam frowned and was about to point thats it stupid but stopped himself on seeing the dark look in his eyes... for a second he sounded like the Zayn he met for the first time.. cold.

Colors Of Love♡ -Ziam (B-3)Where stories live. Discover now